Category Archives: Uncategorized

Olivia Keeping it Stylish on & off the Skateboard in Tallahassee


Olivia aka motobabydoll skateboarding in Tallahassee.  When I asked her why she likes to skate

I love to skate because I like progressing & accomplishing new things and tricks! It’s fun exercise as well. Especially when u have friends with the same interest, but it’s easy to make new friends at skateparks too!

I love that Olivia keeps it stylish wherever and however fast she goes.


More girls skateboard and believe they can do anything when they see girls accomplishing their passions – thanks Olivia for sharing and inspiring!

Mariya Dancing with Her Longboard


Merilosity shares this picture before the rain.  Mariya is a student at MUC.  I had a chance to ask her what she likes about skating & why she thinks skating is good for girls.

I like it because it teaches me endurance and gives me a feeling of longterm achievement after I learn more tricks 🙂

I think it’s a good thing for girls because it helps you manage your fear of pain and gives you a taste of accomplishment in a sport where guys dominate 🙂

She’s currently editing a video, until it’s ready here’s some pictures. Be sure to check her out – more girls skate when they see girls skating and get encouragement.


In addition to her long board, Mariya has a skateboard.  I love when those who “dominate” in skateboarding encourage others.

Thanks Mariya for sharing & hope to see the video soon.

That was quick the video was released 12/3 – click below to watch.


Having Fun Skateboarding


Annie working on her power slides. – saltyjoandthewolfpack

Hope this video makes you smile as much as it made me smile.  When I think of skateboarding being fun – this is what I think of.

Being outside with friends & family, feeling like you’re flying, and rocking a killer outfit – that’s time well spent.

How and where are you having fun skateboarding?  I hope you share because more girls skateboard when they see girls skate and get encouragement.


Who You Surround Yourself With Matters

Depper St shares this photo with the caption

Surround yourself with people who want to see you grow, encourage you to work past your limits and teach you gnarly shit.  @moondew_ at her finest.  Go @nici_nic87!


You hear it over & over again

You are who you hang out with!

I’m sure there are exceptions, there are exceptions to everything that’s what makes life worth experiencing.  However, feelings, vibes, attitudes, thoughts, etc. are contagious so make a choice to hang out with people who encourage you to be your best both with their words and actions.



Flat Stanley Gets a Job at SkateXS

Flat Stanley started as a character in a book back in 1964.  After being accidentally flattened by a bulletin board, Stanley traveled by mail.  In 1995 thanks to a Canadian elementary teacher Flat Stanley started to travel outside of his book adventures. 


This thanksgiving holiday, I was lucky enough to host Flat Stanley from his home with Emma at St. Ann School in Metairie, LA.  He traveled by mail to visit me in Southern California.

To me what’s important about Flat Stanley is that he tries new things all the time. Rather than see his flatness as a limitation, he sees it as an opportunity to try new things.

This is what Flat Stanley tried on his adventure to Southern California.  He drove in a mini with the top down or at least until the rain came. 


He baked pumpkin pies with the ladies.  Then helped serve pumpkin pie during thanksgiving dinner.  


After a Twilight movie marathon; he’s Team Edward.  He traveled north to visit a Grandma. He did not like the rain but he enjoyed the mountain views. 


He decided to make a little girl’s Christmas dream come true by getting her a skateboard.  He didn’t have enough money so he had to work in the shop. 


He liked the SkateXS crew and appreciated them training both himself & me. When he gets back home, he hopes to learn how to skateboard with Emma. 


I remember when I did my Flat Stanley project, he went to Boston.  Christina did such a wonderful job on that; I was super excited to now be a Flat Stanley host.  This holiday season try to remember all the people who’ve done thoughtful things for you and then pay it forward.  That’s how kindness grows.  


Ash Dreaming of More Girls Skateboarding


Video from ash_aka_bgirlagame or just Ash from a skate park she found in Green Port, New York.  Her bio says

My dream is for more girls to sk8!

I think she’s doing a good job of making her dream come true because more girls skateboard when they see girls skateboarding and she definitely shares her skate pictures.

Earlier in November she was at EXPOSURE Skate in Encinitas, California – this picture by Olga Aguliar.


Below a video from SLO Skate Park


and in July she shared this video from the Vert Jungle.


Hope more girls share how, where, and why they have fun skateboarding and of course you can always share again.  Every adventure that inspires others, is an adventure I want to blog about.

Skate Rising December 10th Event at Academy Skate Park

Skate Rising the youth program created by EXPOSURE Skate is heading to Academy Skate Park on Saturday, December 10th from 9am – 11am for a “Toys and Teen” gift drive.


Above Neal Mims – professional skateboarder & encourager of all skateboarders at the November Skate Rising event.

Neal Mims, Academy Skate Park founder, has opened the doors to the skate park to all girls of all ages & all skate levels for this special Skate Rising event on 12/10/16.   Academy is located at 1410 Vantage Court in Vista, CA.

Skate Rising is a monthly event.  Held on the 2nd Saturday of each month, it lifts

up the next generation of girls through learning, serving, and skating.

December’s service activity is collecting for the “Toys and Teen” gift drive.  Why collect for teens?  Many needy teens are overlooked during toy drives.

Skate Rising teaches our youth that everyone in the community is equally important so of course everyone in the community deserves a merry holiday.  What can you bring to help?

Any new and unwrapped gift will be appreciated.  These are just a few tips plus you can make a cash donation if that’s easier.

Headphones, jewelry, sunglasses, backpacks, satchels, skateboards, basketballs, soccer balls, footballs, brushes, makeup brushes, makeup, blow dryers, curling irons, blow dryers, tee shirts.

Do you have to bring a donation to attend the event?  No all are welcome.  Skate Rising is always free to attend.

Academy Skate Park will be leading the Learn to Skate section and SkateXS will have boards available for those who need to borrow.  Nekter Juice and Phive Bar will be there to provide healthy refreshments.

Hope to see you at Academy Skate Park on Saturday 12/10 9am!

After the event you are welcome to come with us to the Del Mar Fairgrounds where we will be dropping off the “Toys and Teen” donations to the CRC (Community Resource Center) who sets up a market place for families to pick out their gifts.

Past Skate Rising Event Recaps


November 12, 2016


October 9, 2016


September 10, 2016


August 13, 2016




Catori_Tribe an Urban Hippie Collective


Catori_Tribe’s next event is December 11th 2016.  All ages and abilities welcome – come learn – meet new people – #jointhetribe

You know I love open invites so I had to find out more.  This is what Catori_Tribe said

It’s a free event we run on the second Sunday of every month, we encourage women/girls of all ages and abilities to come and meet new people and skate! We offer free classes and board hire for the less experienced and a network of girls all supporting each other and just having a good time! We are currently organising a skate jam and party for early next year as well as a skate/surf/yoga retreat!

I’m excited to add this to the Events Page.  Catori_Tribe is based in London and generally meets in Victoria Park.  If you have an event that supports and welcomes all girls be sure to share it.  More girls skateboard when they see girls skating and get encouragement.

Today & everyday I’m thankful to those who share skateboarding – Happy Thanksgiving.  I know it’s an “American” holiday, but I think the reminder to be thankful makes the world a more stylish place.


Wanna be in our gang? Come and skate with us on the second Sunday of every month, whether you’ve never stepped on a skateboard before or are a seasoned pro, it’s all love! We offer free lessons, board hire and good times!

Mini Bowl Wednesdays with JoJo Nation


With an IG account called jo_jo_nation, you are sure to catch this JoJo’s attention.

I found out that on Wednesday – members of JoJo Nation may indeed be wearing pink & you might find us at San Clemente Skate Park.  This lovely skater girl is Scarlett aka Scarlo.


Thanks Scarlett for showing us how to wear pink both on & off the board  everyday.  No such thing as too much pink or sparkle.  And thanks to mom who keeps encouraging Scarlett.

More girls skate when they see girls skateboarding & get encouragement so hope others share there pictures and stories soon!