This week’s LIT Leader in Training Adventure – didn’t start off as expected. I got sick, sent home and only went for 2 days.
I love my other LITs (aka the Green Shirts) & the Red Shirts.

And most of all I love the campers. If you haven’t heard I started out as a camper.

And way back then there were 3 girls in the skate camp – an all time high! This week lots of girls.
I want to be friends with my fellow skateboarders and camp gives you the time to get to know people & make friends. Now I know it’s in the rules that you’re not supposed to get attached to your campers – but I think that must be for the red shirts or blue shirts not for me.
Two years ago I met Gui and now I get to watch him skate around the world and celebrate his being the youngest to land a 720.

He was always a better skater & it’s because of him I even drop in on a vert ramp or looked up where in the world Brazil is.

Gui with his sister Rafaela (the fashionista in the family)
His enthusiasm is contagious & that’s what I love about so many of the campers – they come with this “can do” attitude. And by Friday they are doing – here’s a video from the 6/15/16 Lunch Show

So maybe the LITs are the ones wearing the Green Shirts, but I think the real leaders in skate camp are the kids because they lead us back to what skateboarding is really about – having fun & believing you can land that trick.

I hope that years from now I’ll still be friends & still be learning from my campers. Another example where age is just a number – it’s the vibe that matters – me with Kirra.

LIT friend Cole who unfortunately broke his arm on Friday #pray4cole