Lnr Viola shares this skateboarding video. Love how she keeps it stylish & warm while skating.
In addition to loving skateboarding, she loves soul, funk, reggae and rock. She’s the owner of LNRmusicmanagement Festival & a singing teacher. She definitely inspires girls to follow their passions and stay true to their style.

above she’s in Exeter, Devon

More girls skateboard when they see stylish girls skateboarding. And I love when they also share their other talents. #girlscanskate and do so much more!
Where & how are you keeping it stylish on & off the board? Hope you share soon.
Naomignomes shares dropping in for the first time at the Skatehouse Lewes

She says it was Bloody Scary – but she’s thankful others taught her & didn’t let her quit. As for her favorite skating friend – her reason for trying skating – he’s her 11 year old son!
Age is just a number till you make it more. Recently I’ve been “told” that I’m too young – you are never to young to have passion, drive, and take action!

You are always way more important than any number. Age, weight, GPA, income, # followers, rank or whatever else someone tries to label you as only defines you if you let it define you!

Watch the video to see synchronized skateboarding in London. Thanks denvir for sharing.
Skateboarding with your friends never gets old – it just stays fun!
Please share your pictures skateboarding with your friends. Yes, even if you have to teach them how to skateboard – one way or another more girls will skateboard & keep skateboarding!
I’m in Amsterdam today with some internet connection – happy Friday enjoy where you are ?

London’s Calling and they said check out the House of Vans. lovelks shared this picture from a Girls Night at the House of Vans London.
She had a rad time and definitely plans on skateboarding more. Usually that’s all it takes – try skateboarding, like skateboarding, keep skateboarding.
Keep sharing your pictures of skateboarding for fun – especially love the ones where girls are having fun together.
Skating & Fashion are Better Together