Tag Archives: Pennsylvania

Steph Skating Mostly in Philadelphia

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Stephcannonball shares this video from her 3rd stop in a skate marathon.  Steph skates mostly in Philadelphia, PA.

I don’t travel nearly as much as I’d like to.  How rad to be able to go to different spots in different cities, states, or countries.  Where are you traveling with your skateboard – more girls everywhere skateboard when they see stylish girls skateboarding anywhere!

Today the Driveway Tomorrow the . . .

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I love when parents encourage there children and celebrate the process.  Surfvermont captioned this photo from PA My little girl conquered the length of the driveway today on her longboard!

I get down on myself sometimes and I’m grateful to have a mom who reminds me

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Every step you take is one step closer than if you never would have moved.  It doesn’t matter where anywhere else or how well anyone else is skating – enjoy your skateboarding!

Face the Fear & Skateboard

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This is my IG friend theneemsay – I thought I posted this before but when I went to look for it I couldn’t find it – so here it comes – I love, love, love Yasmeen’s caption for this picture

TBH when I initally got to Cenmass and saw the ramp, I was having doubts on whether I should skate it or not.  I didn’t want to get in anybody’s way, or be subjected to harsh judgement, etc.  I was thinking of every worst case scenario, upon seeing the mini!

But I’m beyond glad I skated it.  I had fun, met and skated with some rad people and I even landed a new trick!  I braved up against lingering doubt and against a ramp that I considered to be kinda tall (this is the tallest I’ve ever skated lol).

Picture taken during the 1st day in Central Mass Skate Festival – Harvard, Massachusetts

We all have fears – I especially fear and hate being judged & really who wants to hear harsh criticism?  I find it so inspiring to see and hear that other girls have these fears & skate anyway.

At least for me – it’s not about my skill level – it’s about my fun level.  I’m so happy for Yasmeen that she faced her fear, had fun, and now shares so others can get inspired.

thanks Yasmeen & so rad you got to bomb Broadway

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UPDATE 5/20/16

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Yasmeen skating FDR for the first time yesterday after taking 1st for women’s in the Broad Street Bomb

CONGRATS Yasmeen and I love how you travel & skate with your board.


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