Category Archives: Uncategorized

Kettle Potato Chips at KAABOO

I love potato chips, so I was excited that Kettle Brand Potato Chips was at KAABOO last year and thrilled they are coming back.

Here’s the inside scoop from Rachel Kravitz’s their Field Manager.


SF:  Why is Kettle Brand excited to come back?

Rachel:  We love the vibe of the festival – everyone is having fun, enjoying music and art. What better time to enjoy the best tasting natural chip around!

SF:  Where can people find you at KAABOO and after?

During the festival, people can look for the Kettle Brand booth on Kaaboolevard between the “Palate/Artwork” and the “Humor Me” pavilions.

Keep an eye out for people wearing Kettle Brand shirts throughout the venue.

You can also keep an eye on what we’re up to on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @KettleBrand, and we also just joined Snapchat, so add us there!

thanks Rachel!

my favorite – Sea Salt – if you see me at KAABOO make sure to tell me yours


I’m the skatingfashionista and I approve eating Kettle Potato Chips as stylish on & off the board!



Volunteered to Help Teach Kids

theeneemsay aka Yasmeen shares this picture from the 9/9/16 weekend


with the caption

This weekend I volunteered to help teach little kids how to skate with this program…(whom I forgot the name of?) Anyways it was just as much of a learning experience for me as it was for them. The last day was bittersweet… I actually missed them. Bye kitties

We learn when we teach


and at least for me working with others who want to learn to skate or learn new tricks is super fun.

Thanks Yasmeen for continuing to share – always happy to have you on the blog.  And love that you continue to inspire others to have fun skateboarding.

Where are you skateboarding?  Take time to share because that’s what inspires others to try and continue.

L’Duex a Stylish Accessory On & Off the Skateboard

When you have long hair it’s inevitable that it can get in the way.  My hair has been known to get in my way when I’m skateboarding so I wear a rubber band on my wrist to be prepared.

It’s time to say goodbye to the rubber band.


The bracelets above double as hair ties.  Vickie Adamson, who worked as a Fashion Designer and Merchandiser saw the need and created L’DUEX.

Girls with long hair on skateboards, at the gym, running errands, doing homework, etc. appreciate being able to make a pony tail and who doesn’t love a bobble?

SF:  Is this your first year at KAABOO?  Can people find you in the Indulgences section?

Vickie:  Yes and Yes

SF:  How many styles do you currently have and will they all be on display at KAABOO?

Vickie:  Currently about 100, but as a designer by nature, always adding new ones!  We will have most of styles…plus a surprise addition!!!


SF:  When will your on-line shop be open?  Until then how does someone find out the nearest spa L’Duex is sold at?

Vickie:  As we just relaunched our website we will be getting online ASAP.  We can be contacted directly until on line store is ready [email protected].

We retail at nearly 200 resort spas internationally (locally Montage & Balboa Bay Club). 


Thanks Vickie.  I look forward to meeting you at KAABOO so I can  see & try the bands in person.  I love how you saw a need, got creative and now have a beautiful product to sell.   As your IG bio says L’DUEX is a niche line & untapped market of beautiful ARM CANDY BRACELETS that double as HAIR TIES!

Vickie is a Girl Boss!  I hope she inspires all of us to solve our problems with style on & off the board.


KAABOO is 3 days of music, comedy, gourmet cuisine, craft libations, contemporary art, and personal indulgences.

I wanted to know more about the art.  And when I saw that Aaron Glasson one of the contributing artists had just completed a mural in Leucadia – I decided that’s where I’d start.  I live in Cardiff which with Leucadia makes up Encinitas.

Aaron is one of the featured mural & sculpture artists that will be featured at KAABOO.  For a complete list of all artists, exhibiting galleries, & exhibiting artists


the Fearless Garden by Aaron Glasson

When Aaron did his Instagram takeover for KAABOO he “challenged” readers to mural hunt because many of the artists at KAABOO have murals close by the festival.  I’m accepting that challenge so look for posts on what I find and for sure tag me when you find some.

Before I interviewed Aaron I did some snooping on his web page


So going in I knew he was from New Zealand and now lives in San Diego.   His work is autobiographical, inspired by his life, life encountered and the sometimes inexplicable nature of being. Exploring the coexistence of the unseen and the observed.

Aaron is also the creative director of PangeaSeed, an international organization collaborating with members of the art, science, and environmental activist communities to raise awareness and education surrounding the conservation and preservation threatened marine species and ecosystems. 

SF:  This is KAABOO’s second year – is it also your second year or your first with KAABOO?

AG:  It’s my second year working with KAABOO.

SF:  What excites you about working on KAABOO?  What makes it unique?

AG:  It’s  a very eclectic mix of music, art, and comedy that brings such a diverse crowd which is cool.

Amanda Lynn curates the art and does an amazing job bringing unique art and installations into the festival. I’m excited to see what all the other artists create this year.


SF:  Above a fun & educational art installation that Aaron did with  Celeste Byers for PangeaSeedSurfrider.  It will be at KAABOO with Sea Walls.  What are Sea Walls?  

AG:  Sea Walls is a project I’ve been working on with PangeaSeed for a few years now. We put together large scale mural projects and public art installations that educate and raise awareness about pressing ocean issues that everyone should know about.

KAABOO has been very supportive of the project the last two years, contributing much needed artists, funding, supplies and ideas. We collaborate a lot, and it’s great! They’ll be three Sea Walls installations this year at KAABOO.

SF:  What’s the best way to get clues on finding those murals in the area?

AG:  Follow your instincts, ask around and stalk the artists instagrams. 

Thank you Aaron for sharing with the blog.  I’m excited to see all the art and hope to skate to the Fearless Garden soon.

Madison’s Reason for Skateboarding

I first saw Madison skateboarding with her dad.  I love that because I skate with my dad.


I asked her why she likes to skate and she said

I love skating because it makes me feel free. I think its good for girls to skate because it relieves stress and shows that girls are just as good as guys when it comes to skating. I have been skating for about a year now and I skate on the streets and parks. I skate with my dad, friends, and my little sister. Skating is my therapy.


I love how happy she looks.  And she shows that skateboarding can be a big activity – where you go to the park or a quick stress relief where you just go outside your home.


Thanks Madison for sharing and I hope others are inspired to share because more girls skateboard when they see girls skateboarding.

#3StripesFor3Years – Happy Birthday Skate Like a Girl PDX – recap

I wasn’t able to make it to Skate Like a Girl’s PDX 3rd Birthday Party held at Jade District Multicultural Space on September 10th, so I’m writing this post with some of the pictures that were shared.


Why celebrate 3 years of Skate Like a Girl PDX?  Because they offer skateboarding programs that benefit everyone.  Skateboarding has rewards outside of the skatepark and our immediate community. Girls and women who believe in themselves are more likely to raise their hand in the classroom, advocate for themselves in the workplace and attract the company of those who respect them.

There were shoe collaborations & shoe decorating.  I’m a fashionista so the recap had to start with the shoes & glitter.


There were some Tech Deck “competitions” plus my favorite food pizza & refreshments.  (It’s important to not skate when hungry – swim on an empty stomach – skate on a full stomach.)


There was skateboarding – open skate and a demo.


Above a video & below a few pictures.


There was a raffle with fabulous prizes and happy winners.


So many pictures of happy faces – including the many volunteers who made the event possible.


As the caption to this photo says The future is fierce!


and I think brighter because of the work that Skate Like a Girl PDX does – make sure to check them out

Till next time keep it stylish on & off the board.  Share your pictures, stories & events – more girls do skateboard as they see girls skateboarding & get encouragement.

Photo credit:  Skate Like a Girl PDX#3StripsFOR3Years, stronger_skatepark, pnw_luv, adidasskateboarding

if you have additional photos from this event just tag me on IG or e-mail me at [email protected] – never too many pictures & always time for an update

Red Bull Curb Kings – September 10th

The first skate competition hosted by kidbusiness . . .


Red Bull Curb Kings gives local skateboarders the opportunity to showcase their creative skills on features similar to what’s found in major urban city streets. The course consists of modified parking blocks and double-sided curbs.

And yes they mean all skateboarders – boy or girl if you were over 18 you had a chance to win the cash. Even if you were a girl and under 18 you still had a chance to win cash thanks to Poseiden Foundation who hosted #QueenofSkate a game of S.K.A.T.E for ALL GIRLS!!!


The #QueenofSkate Noelia Velez won with a switch back 180.screen-shot-2016-09-11-at-11-49-46-am

At the podium is doobiesnack in 3rd, shanecarter_ 2nd, & justindrysen with 1st. Picture by Active Ride Shop.screen-shot-2016-09-11-at-11-26-46-am

During the contest I sat on a platform viewing the skaters with judges, Neal Mims and Chris Pastras, plus announcer Aaron Astorga. I was the timer, so I managed the time for the heats and practice.  We had the best seats in the house.

Below Neal and Chris with our lovely view.



When I arrived the first thing I noticed was that Torey Pudwill , Alex Midler , and I were all wearing the same color pants. Olive green pants are an in color this season, so I wasn’t surprised when we were all matching. However, I was surprised to see that the boys who took first and second were also wearing olive green. It could have been a coincidence – who knows?

I’m not saying that all skaters need olive green pants to be winners, but it might help. Regardless the pants are a must have in every person’s closet.

The majority of competitors were boys, but the girls who did skate killed it. One of my good friends Amanda skated with the boys and did a killer job. Amanda was only one of many girls that went head to head with the boys – I am so proud and amazed.

Just because the girls didn’t make podium, does’t mean they didn’t do good – everyone was insanely talented. It was even hard for the judges to make decisions because of how intense everyone’s skating level was.

By being out there the girls showed everyone what true skating was about.  Having fun!

To me every girl out there was a winner for just showing up and doing what they love.

When you skateboard for fun like me – a lot of the fun is just sharing a Red Bull with a friend.  Events like this are opportunities to make friends so here are some of my favorite pictures from the day;  with Torey because he just might have been the girls’ favorite. Click the pictures to find out more.


Jazzmen Chavez with Torey – she helped at the Poseiden Foundation booth.


Ali_stevens with Torey.


Chelsea with Torey.

What’s next – after securing your olive green pants – follow Red Bull and Red Bull Skate so you know when the next event is and can join in the fun & always keep it stylish on & off the board.


Ann Arbor Skatepark Girls Sesh 9/11/16


The Ann Arbor Skatepark opened on June 21, 2014. It’s a 30,000 square foot skateboarding facility that is free to use, and open to the public. This skatepark is the result of a collaboration of community members, The Washtenaw County Parks Commission, The Michigan Department of Natural Resources Trust Fund Grant, and The City of Ann Arbor. 

The a2skatepark had celebrations all weekend long and the one I’m going to blog about is the Girls Sesh because more girls skateboard when they see girls skateboarding.  To check out the park and all the activities just click on their links.

video below is from Chris Conway


below Chris lending a hand from a a2skatepark post


and below Natalie lends her hand


What Natalie loved about “fallingupandgettingdown” is that they mixed live jazz with skateboarding.  Above in helping to teach a clinic with all the young girls and @jordynbarratt.  

Later today I will be skating with @chucktreece, @ronallen, @twistthewrist, and @jordynbarratt while @thejasonmoran and the Bandwagon perform.

If you go to an event or know of an event please share it with the blog because more girls really do skate as they see girls skate.  And skating is good for girls because it’s sport, art, transportation, exercise, rolling yoga . . . and builds self-confidence.  Nothing teaches you falling isn’t failing like skateboarding.

till next time keep it stylish on & off the board – yes I’m loving Natalie’s top

and absolutely there’s hand holding in skateboarding

Skate Rising – September 10, 2016

This month’s Skate Rising was on September 10th at the Encinitas Community Park.   The guest speakers were Lauren from International Rescue Committee & Bryan from SkateXS.

In preparation for Lauren’s visit the girls* were asked to make Welcome Kits for refugee families living in the San Diego area.  Some girls made their kits and extras.


*Skate Rising provides 5-18 year old girls with an opportunity to serve the community & skate together – they are supported by girls, boys & organization.

The kits contained soap, body lotion, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, disposable razors, toothbrushes, and toothpaste for a family.  Items that many take for granted.


Lauren talked about how we can help new families in our community.  One of the easiest ways to serve others is to just welcome them.  So the girls made welcome notes for each of the kits.


In all,  almost 100 Welcome Kits were made for local refuge families.


Next Bryan from SkateXS talked to the girls about how he has the best job because he makes skateboards.


SkateXS, located in Carlsbad, makes skateboards for  kids.  Each skateboard is special just like each skater is unique and has their own style.


Bryan reminded the audience that whether you have a beautiful park, like the one we were in, or just a patch of ground you can have fun skateboarding.  Then Zyler, from the SkateXS team, demonstrated a kick flip and it was time for everyone to skate.


Above I 100% support hand holding in skateboarding.  And below I’m so excited to see girls skate on their own.


I had to leave early, but I heard the morning ended with a raffle, where one lucky 4 year old won her own custom Skate XS complete.


We are all winners when we have programs like Skate Rising so huge thanks to all the people who help Calli Kelsay manage this program for EXPOSURE Skate.

And thank you to all the sponsors like  Phive Bar & Nekter Encinitas who provide refreshments each month.


Till next time – which for Skate Rising will be Saturday October 8th from 9-11am at the Encinitas Community Park – keep it stylish on & off the board.

Please share your adventures and the events you go to because more girls skateboard when they see girls skateboarding and get encouragement.
