All posts by Jordan

Skating Fashionista on a mission to promote both skate boarding & fashion!

Pictures Show Canadian Girls Can Skateboard

Just seven of the pictures on ellynb_frenchie IG that show me #girlscanskate in Canada!

ellen collage

I recently started doing themes within the blog.  In December each post was from a different city, in January each post gave thanks for encouragement, and now in February each post shows girls can skate in Canada.

The collage above is ellynb_frenchie “picture speaks a thousand words” and “seeing is believing” so check out ellynb_frenchie.

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If you are a girl skateboarding in Canada or anywhere else and want to be on this blog – just let me know so the world can see – the world is watching so let’s make them believers #girlscanskate.

Having fun in Fernie B.C.

Tufprincesses – show that practice can be fun.

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They are having fun in Fernie B.C.  British Columbia – Canada.

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So for now it be more indoor skateboarding for Callie.

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Or maybe it’s a weekend for snow.  Either way they’ll keep it stylish on and off their boards.  Skateboarding builds self-confidence to challenge anything – just one reason skateboarding is good for girls in Canada and all around the world.

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Toronto a City for Skater Girls and Fashion Capital

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Earlier this week we saw Monday night girls night at the Skateloft in Toronto.  There’s also street skating downtown.

Ok maybe not in the snow – but weather permitting Toronto is a beautiful city to explore with your skateboard.  As swaybackk says I am lucky to have one of the best cities in the world to be my home base.  Always lots of love waiting for me here no matter what.  Street skating downtown Toronto will forever be one of my favorite things to do.

Toronto is not a “hilly” city and has a subway system so skateboarding is definitely a rad way to see the city.

If I’m lucky I’ll get to visit during Toronto Fashion Week which is semi-annual.  After six seasons with World MasterCard as the event’s title sponsor this year will be different – have to keep checking back because the details are still top secret.

So, Universe  “I am happy and grateful to skateboard in Toronto!”.

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Vans Girls Combi Follow Up – what happens after

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We add to our February blog posts on Canadian skater girls a follow up post to a January post.

cruzinmamablog shared above picture and caption after the Vans Girls Combi Classic on January 23, 2016

A little skate break after door to door cookie sales yesterday and the munchkin almost nailed her very first ollie. The Girls Combi Classic definitely had an impact on my little grom!

More girls skateboard when they see stylish girls skateboarding – it’s why I do this blog.  And every girl who shares her skateboarding is an inspiration to other girls.

It’s so rad that you can be a professional girl skateboarder and even radder that so many girls will build self-confidence and have a fun exercise/sport/art because companies like Vans show girls skateboarding.

thanks cruzinmamablog for sharing –  keep being a rad, encouraging, inspiring mom!

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Yoga on the Skateboard

Skateboarding to me is rolling yoga – it’s all about the balance.

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So I love this picture from elle_fit_fashion with the caption Best Skateboarding yoga buddy on the planet!

Elle_fit_fashion is actually Laura in Kingston Ontario Canada.  She’s been skateboarding for years – here’s a pic from 2008.

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So yes, it might get cold in Canada – with a lot of snow – but Laura can still have fun and keep it stylish on her skateboard indoors.

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Thanks for sharing Laura your pictures and inspirational quotes.  Empowered women, empower women and I’m happy to know you.

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Ground Hog’s Day in Canada

Nova Scotia’s Shubenacadie Sam didn’t see his shadow this morning as he scurried from his tiny shed at a provincial wildlife park northeast of Halifax. CANADA

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Even if Sam is wrong – which is what Wiarton Willie says, Canadian Skater Girls will be ok.

In addition to skateboarding indoors like the girls of Babes Brigade did yesterday at SkateLoft, there’s always snowboarding.

Ava in Alberta Canada is an 8 year old ambassador for SheShreds and she keeps it stylish on and off both her skateboard and snowboard.

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Love how SheShreds supports all girls who shred.

There was a time when society dictated the way girls walk, talk, dress, eat, and live. Those views have changed. Women have changed the face of every discipline from science to sports. And at, we’re stoked to be champions of change.

Snowboarders. Wakeboarder. Skateboarders. Flowboarders. Mountain Bikers. Surfers. Adventurers. We are wired to take risks, push hard, go big, and be bold. And we believe that each one of you can raise the bar — above and beyond what has ever been imagined.  Gina Duffy, Founder

Love to see Ava grow and continue to get encouragement from them and her dad Chris.  Keep shredding Ava – it’s good for you and it’s good for the world when girls are stylish & sporty!

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Canadian Skater Girls

On December 17th I posted the blog Canada Needs More Skater Girls.  I blogged about lilyboardc in Montreal Canada.  Her mom mentioned in Canada there is not a lot of girls skateboarding.

I went on a search for Canadian skater girls because I believe more girls skateboard when they see stylish girls skateboarding – so to get more girls skateboarding in Canada we need to see who’s already skating.

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First stop Toronto, Canada.  During the month of February we’ll see many skater girls in Toronto because that’s the home of Babes Brigade.

I first blogged about Babes Brigade when they launched their Monday Girls Night.

They had their first Ladies Only at the Skateloft on 12/7/15 check out their IG for weekly videos on how fun and successful each Monday night is.

It’s Ladies Only from 5-7pm followed by public hours.  It’s not a coincidence that I found many skater girls in Toronto, it’s because Toronto has a strong skater girl community.  Thank you Babes Brigade & Skateloft.

In February we’ll see several of the babes from Babes Brigade so keep reading.  It’s never too late to share your skate stories – this blog is for all skater girls who want to share – any country, any board, any skill level all skater girls are welcome here.

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Generations of Skater Girls

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Crystaltothev shares this picture of skateboarding with her daughter.  More girls skate when they see girls skate so it makes sense that girls’ who have skater mom’s are more likely to skate.

On the last day of January we celebrate the parents who skateboard with their children. Including my dad – Steve.  Tomorrow we go north to blog about Canadian skater girls.

Skateboards made with Corn?

Is there corn in that board?


Found this picture on stalkit – all boards are integrated with cornboard, hand crafted at the cornboard headquarters – surf – skate – snow

Is the board made with corn?  I don’t know – I do know it’s Allaloha on the board and she’s very stylish.

I read that StalkIt Inc’s mission and goal is to re-use, re-purpose, and re-imagine materials to respect our home and environment.  We put our hear and soul into creating the finest boards using finest component available.

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A board company that encourages girls skateboarding is always worth a look – so check them out yourselves to see is there corn in the board?  And it’s always stylish to 3R – reduce, reuse, recycle.

So our final post this day in January we celebrate the companies that support skater girls and the  environment!