All posts by Jordan

Skating Fashionista on a mission to promote both skate boarding & fashion!

Davenport Skate Park

Taylor aka taygnar shares these picture from Davenport Skate Park.

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On my quest to create a collage of skater girls in each of the USA states – Iowa was elusive.  However, Taylor shows us there’s no need to worry.  And I love why she thinks #girlscanskate.

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I enjoy skateboarding because it allows much more creativity than any other sport. The possibilities really are endless. The community is also amazing, skateboarders are always cheering each other on and helping others to achieve new things. I think more girls should skate because it really is an extremely fun and amazing sport. It has helped me and many others through a lot. I think what girls really need to realize is that skateboard is not exclusively for guys. I know a lot of girl skaters that are better than most guys I know. Gender has no part in it as long as you’re willing to practice and stand back up when you get knocked down. That’s really what skateboarding is all about. – Taylor

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Skateboarding Track

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Melissajarquin shares this picture with the caption – Made it around the pump track a few times today!!!  Thank you to the awesome coaches from the skateboard_supercross Team in the Tuesday Adult Fitness Classes!

I want to try that track – it looks so fun.  Where are you skateboarding & having fun – share because it inspires all of us!

And if you haven’t heard about it yet – Clash at Clairemont 10 will be the debut of Skatercross – June 25th in San Diego at the YMCA Mission Valley.  Exciting times for all things skateboarding!

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Where to Find Omaha Skater Girls

I found Omaha Skater Girls thanks to Sharon.  She let me know on Instagram check out #omahaskatergirls

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and on Facebook they have a page this is just one of a ton of rad photos.

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Thanks Sharon and thanks for sharing skateboarding in Nebraska

I work with girls ages 4-14 mostly but we’ve got a couple older girls that come by sometimes too. I’ve been skating since I was 15 so 23 years? I’m not nearly as good as I used to be but I still have mad love for it so sharing the love I have with a new generation is everything to me!

Somehow I think Sharon has rad skater skills!

Steph Skating Mostly in Philadelphia

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Stephcannonball shares this video from her 3rd stop in a skate marathon.  Steph skates mostly in Philadelphia, PA.

I don’t travel nearly as much as I’d like to.  How rad to be able to go to different spots in different cities, states, or countries.  Where are you traveling with your skateboard – more girls everywhere skateboard when they see stylish girls skateboarding anywhere!

Outside the Comfort Zone in Minnesota

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El_ventures – shares this photo of her & El_mn_op out of our comfort zone at the 3rd Lair Skate Park.

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I read somewhere – Great things never came from comfort zones.  I agree and as for Ellie

I picked up skateboarding this year to help me progress my snowboarding skills in the off season. I love the creativity and style that comes with board sports- there’s always something new to learn!

I’m sure she keeps it stylish on & off both boards.  This blog isn’t just about encouraging girls to skate – it’s about getting people to encourage each other to venture outside the comfort zone with style!

Learning to Skateboard in Alabama

Greenway_surfers share this picture from Alabama with the caption

Six years old learning to skate on her dad’s vintage Vision skateboard from the 80’s

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And she’s not alone in Alabama aegprice aka Amy skates instead of therapy. In Huntsville Alabama!

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Sending healing wishes to the Greenway_surfers – who helped me find both these skater girls!  Currently three of the members have broken wrists.

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Falling happens in skateboarding/longboarding that’s why skating teaches you falling isn’t failure!


South Dakota – Crow Creek Sioux Tribe

Evergreen Skate Parks shares this picture – the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe youth enjoying their new park we completed last fall on their reservation in Fort Thompson, South Dakota

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They are now building a park in Montana – so just a matter of time before we “spy” a skatergirl in Montana – build it & they will come especially if they see other girls skating & get encouragement.

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For more information on all of Evergreen’s Skate Parks check out their IG or web site – be warned you’ll want to travel!

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Kansas Skateparks are RipStik Friendly

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Leslie shares this picture of her daughter Rainy at the Lenexa Skatepark in Kansas.

Leslie is a photographer to see more of her work check out

#SessumsPhotography #lesliesessums

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So many blog posts on #girlscanskate in the USA – only looking for skaters in the following states to complete the collage – as always all skater girls are encouraged to share because more girls skate when they see girls skating.  Hope to hear from these states soon – any board – any level!  The remaining states:

  1. Alabama
  2. Iowa
  3. Minnesota
  4. Montana
  5. North Dakota
  6. South Dakota
  7. Vermont
  8. Wyoming

Maine Musician Skating in New Hampshire

allivialorusson is from Maine skating in New Hampshire.

29 new hampshire

She’s a musician who skates for fun and loves the great memories and amazing friends she makes through skating.  Below she’s skating in Maine.

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Having always lived in California – it’s just amazing to me how other states are so close to each other.

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I found Allivia through Stephanie aka drlipschits who founded New England’s Female Skateboarding.

And I found Stephanie through a skate shop in Boston.  I love when skaters work together.  Save the date if you’re in New England for their first event – the final flyer will be available June 1st.

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And here’s a picture of Stephanie from Massachusetts skating in Seattle, Washington at Wheels of Fortune.

As of today the only New England state left for the collage is Vermont.  I appreciate all the help I’m getting finding #girlscanskate USA!

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UPDATE 6/1/16 the final flyer

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