Girls can skate south africa

click to watch recap video of event

I love the message that Girls Skate South Africa is sharing! I’ve blogged about them before and had to share about their recent event with Vans.

Watch the video and follow them to be inspired. In addition to skating, they are teaching the girls about topics that matter. Giving them information that will improve their lives on and off the board.

Ugly doesn’t stop growing until we work together to stop it. Pretending a problem doesn’t exist has never solved a problem. So whatever your problem is have the courage to talk about it and work with others to end it.

Skateboarding has introduced me to so many people and organizations who work to improve communities and they all started by speaking up.

Use your voice to make a positive difference. Bystanders don’t make positive change, if anything they make things worse by giving bullies an audience and protection. Live your life – speak your truth!