Go Skateboarding Day – 6/21/16

I was thrilled to see all the excitement for Go Skateboarding Day 2016.

From the first ever Arbor Girls #Push2Progress a FREE skate clinic for all ages & abilities on the west coast to Screen shot 2016-06-22 at 7.56.20 AM

the GRO Girls Riders Organization on the east coast

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skater girls were out there showing the world #girlscanskate USA!

#girlscanskate everywhere – just read the blog to see all the places where girls are already skating and encouraging others to skate.

Any day can be the day you skate, start to skate, go back to skating.  More girls do skateboard when they see stylish girls skateboarding & get encouragement.  So keep sharing your pictures & stories plus be looking at the upcoming events tab to find out where other girls are meeting up to skate – one event I’m looking forward to
