Face the Fear & Skateboard

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This is my IG friend theneemsay – I thought I posted this before but when I went to look for it I couldn’t find it – so here it comes – I love, love, love Yasmeen’s caption for this picture

TBH when I initally got to Cenmass and saw the ramp, I was having doubts on whether I should skate it or not.  I didn’t want to get in anybody’s way, or be subjected to harsh judgement, etc.  I was thinking of every worst case scenario, upon seeing the mini!

But I’m beyond glad I skated it.  I had fun, met and skated with some rad people and I even landed a new trick!  I braved up against lingering doubt and against a ramp that I considered to be kinda tall (this is the tallest I’ve ever skated lol).

Picture taken during the 1st day in Central Mass Skate Festival – Harvard, Massachusetts

We all have fears – I especially fear and hate being judged & really who wants to hear harsh criticism?  I find it so inspiring to see and hear that other girls have these fears & skate anyway.

At least for me – it’s not about my skill level – it’s about my fun level.  I’m so happy for Yasmeen that she faced her fear, had fun, and now shares so others can get inspired.

thanks Yasmeen & so rad you got to bomb Broadway

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UPDATE 5/20/16

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Yasmeen skating FDR for the first time yesterday after taking 1st for women’s in the Broad Street Bomb

CONGRATS Yasmeen and I love how you travel & skate with your board.


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