Why Does This Skatingfashionista Drink Boxed Water?


I was first attracted to Boxed Water when I saw a display at the Anaheim Train Station. I thought that’s cool and it’s on sale – so I tried it. I liked it – it tasted like water and the box was rad.

Before I saw water in plastic bottles so I thought that’s how it is – water comes in plastic bottles. Then I saw Boxed Water and saw an option. To me it’s just like skateboarding. Most people think skateboarding is for boys because that’s what they see. If I want more girls to skateboard, I have to show girls skateboarding and if I want more people to drink Boxed Water, I have to show at least myself drinking it.

I don’t hate plastic bottles – it’s just they’re not as recyclable and they’re bulkier when empty. For the stats go to Boxed Water Site and I don’t know if heated plastic (like leaving a water bottle in your car) releases toxins that could kill me – I’m an amateur skateboarder and fashionista – I care more that the Boxed Water looks fashionable.

When you visit Boxed Water you’ll also see they donate 1% of annual revenue to world water relief, reforestation, and environmental protection projects – I like that. I know I’m blessed to live where I live, skate when I want, and never worry about where my water comes from the least I can do is help others.

So until the next blog post – keep it fashionable for me & try a Boxed Water (decide for yourself if it is better)