If Mel tells you to grab your board and come on an adventure – you should go!
Above she’s in Glenwood a suburb of Sydney. She’s studying at Hillsong College. However, if you look at her IG she’s also been spotted in Hong Kong & Austria plus she’s from Switzerland so who knows where she’ll take you on a skateboarding adventure!
More girls skateboard when they see stylish girls skateboarding and it only adds inspiration when they see all the places you can skate. Thanks Mel & I hope others share their adventures soon!

I show girls skateboarding around the world because more girls skate when they see girls skateboarding.
Magalyfbe is a special inspiration to me because she’s a girl that skates around the world. Originally from Peru living in Australia she took her skateboard to Slovenia, Italy, France, and Switzerland.
How rad – I would love to take a trip like that. Where are you skateboarding and how far have you traveled with your board?
So this day in January we are grateful a girl can take her skateboard and have fun around the world.

Latelate shows us you can skateboard in the snow or at least with some snow around you – she’s in Verbier, Switzerland and yes she got to skateboard in December.
Where’s the coldest place you skateboarded – when you share you inspire others to skateboard and others just to go outside and get to know their world – inspiration is good!
I’m headed to Woodward West – it might be in California but it gets cold. Forecast says snow – so maybe I’ll be able to skateboard in snow too!
While I’m gone the posts should still keep coming & of course keep sending your pictures of skateboarding for fun & keeping it stylish!

Cinalufran shares this photo from her skate video down the streets in Zug, Switzerland.
Now that I know about Zug – I’ll definitely add it as a place I’d love to skate. Where are you skating? More girls skate as they see girls skate – make me want to do a travel show on skate holidays.

Skating & Fashion are Better Together