When I announced this project on IG 5/19/16 – a collage of #girlscanskate across the USA – I was a little heated. I had just encountered a salty boy who told me the only girls at skateparks were “girlfriends” who watch.
Aba_kh in North Carolina was the first skater to want to know how she can be involved – here she is keeping it stylish in NC.

Aba says she uses her cruiser board to explore and get around campus.
I say yes – sport, art, transportation, rolling yoga – skateboarding is good for girls – good for people!

As she says in her bio – be a fountain, not a drain –
sounds like my keep it stylish on & off the board
Wherever you are skating – share your photos and your stories – seeing is believing – more girls do skate as they see stylish girls skating.
If I already have a picture from a state you will still get a blog post. Plus I make up the collage ideas as I go so who’s to say the next one won’t be a certain state or region or country. I just received some fabulous shots from London!