Category Archives: Uncategorized

Shreducate Sharing Skateboarding

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Shreducate offers skateboarding lessons, camps, skatepark tours, and birthday parties.  And you know the photos I love the most are of the girls.

Above coach Eric showing Morgan how to drop in. And below a picture from this week’s camp at Volcom park where 6 of the 16 campers are skater girls.

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More girls skate when they see girls skateboarding and get encouragement – so hurray to Shreducate for supporting & encouraging skaters.

Actions speak louder than words below Teagan giving a helping hand to Autumn.  Kindness grows kindness.  And children model the behaviors they see so keep it stylish on & off the board.

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Skateboarding with the Boys

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Above Kalexia.Abreu with her friends.  Yes – I blog about how more girls should skate – but that doesn’t mean they should skate with just girls.   Skating has given me the self-confidence to have boy friends.  Yes – girls can have friends that are boy friends not boyfriends.

So does Ana – no wonder I love her style on & off the board.

Girls or boys we are all people – yup people not trophies, prizes, or things.  Huge shout out to all those out there who treat everyone with respect.  There’s no ownership in any type of relationship.

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Girl Boss – quoting Breakfast at Tiffany’s

adidas Skateboarding – August 21st – Transworld HQ

#AwayDaysTeamTour came to San Diego August 21st – well a little north they came to the Transworld HQ in Carlsbad.  Click all the links & pictures to see tons of rad shots & videos.

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Custom obstacles were built by Surf Ride, Sun Diego Board ShopsPacific Drive Skateboard Shop,  Active Ride Shop, & Asylum Skate Shop with the adidas skateboarding team & TransWorldSkate staff.

Huge thanks everyone that built the obstacles & to Cairo who did so much of the organizing and testing.

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my favorite obstacle – maybe the gator

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As for the team –  Tyshawn Jones,  Miles Silvas, Pete Eldridge, Daewon Song, and Dennis Busenitz were there.  They were all watching, skating & cheering stuff like Ryan from Active Redlands

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of course there were product tosses

shirts in the air

and free shoes – well you had to work for the shoes – which Isaac from Asylum Skate Shop did – he won a years free supply of adidas shoes for this 100 foot rail slide!

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Till next time – the next stop for #AwayDaysTeamTour is east coast – keep it stylish on & off the board – and if you see me land a front shov it’s all thanks to enwhytj – he has a lot of patience.

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above moments with @pete_eldridge @miles_silvas @silasbaxterneal from the final West Coast demo of the #AwayDaysTeamTour. The San Diego stop showcased #bringyourbuild features from local skate shops for everyone to skate.

UPDATE 9/8/16


Full recap of the West Coast #AwayDaysTeamTour is live!


Of course I loved this picture in Transworld Away Days Team Tour San Diego


macy’s Shop for a Cause – Shop for Clairemont Skate Park

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Every year macy’s hosts Shop for a Cause.  This year the certificates are good from Friday August 26th – Sunday August 28th.

Good at any macy’s store the certificate gets you  25% on regular, sale & clearance items.

Where can you get yours – well from me I’m selling them to support one of my favorite non-profits Clairemont (Mission Valley YMCA) Skate & Bike Park.

Yes – it’s $5 to get a certificate but the entire $5 goes to the charity.  And you will save much more than $5 if you use it.  It’s like an investment – spending to save plus doing good!!!

I’ll be at the park – 3401 Clairemont Dr – most of the coming week finishing up the video on how the YMCA, skateparks, ramps, and people who share can & do improve our communities.  Not everyone in the community can skateboard but the entire community can benefit from skateboarding.

Since starting the video the park has gone from

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so I totally believe that people working together can build great things.  Plus there’s still more to build – there is always something to build at a skatepark.

As for where I’ll be shopping – Fashion Valley macy’s.  Every fashionista has a favorite macy’s & mine is Fashion Valley.

Plus in time for KAABOO 3 days of music, art, food – means you need to be prepared with outfits that do it all!

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On Monday the 22nd I’ll be there with some of my favorite skater girls – they’re teaching me how to drop in on SkaterCross.

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And later in the week I’ll be with Beaver Fleming – but don’t be expecting me to learn those turns.   Professional fashionista & amateur skateboarder – know & celebrate who you are!

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ivivva in Carlsbad – clothes co-created with girls

ivivva has been in Carlsbad & now they’re moving to the Forum  – a new bigger store means more clothes, hours &  activities.

ivivva announcement

ivivva is inspired by active girls, created by lululmon and all about girls sharing their journey.  You know I’m about that too because more girls skateboard when they see girls skateboarding.


ivivva supports more than just yoga – they want girls active in whatever their passions are.

I’ve been lucky enough to work with them for awhile & I’ve seen them celebrate all kinds of sports from my favorite skateboarding to martial arts, ice skating, hoola hooping, baseball

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basketball, running, soccer, ballet, horse back riding,

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golf, weight lifting, gymnastics, tennis, boxing and any other activity a girl chooses to do.

In addition to sharing pictures on their IG they host events regularly.  And because this is a grand opening – the celebration will be huge.

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Starting on Thursday September 1st with a VIP shopping night

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to a Glow Ride on September 2nd

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Hip Hop Yoga on the 3rd and

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Acro Yoga on Sunday September 4th.

I hope to see lots of you at the Grand Opening celebrations and if you can’t make it to Carlsbad – all ivivva stores support girls

ivivva (ih-vee-vah is actually a made up word. We believe that both the logo and the name represent the strength and beautiful individuality in all girls

or you can shop on-line.  And for sure share what you love and what you’d like to see.

Along my journey with ivivva, I’ve gotten to talk with Brienna Soo and Rachel Rivera two designers at the ivivva headquarters in BC Canada and I know they listen and want to hear more.

They explained how every season is brainstormed.  Image boards develop color schemes that tie to themes – they want the themes to reflect what active girls are interested in.  Likewise they want to know what styles you’re most interested in – for me it’s the skirt.  Plus tights – I can’t imagine going back to school without tights that go from the classroom to the skatepark and anywhere else.

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Share what you’re doing because ivivva listens.    co-creation with girls from around North America is at the heart of everything ivivva does. We are always listening to feedback and ideas from girls to create exactly what she needs. Each ivivva product is intentional and designed specifically to help girls perform at their best in their various activities and pursuits

On IG you can tag your local store or ivivva and use the hashtag #ivivva because they want to help build a global community of brave, compassionate and adventurous girls – that get involved, support each other and impact the world around them in their own unique way.

If you’re skateboarding in your ivivva clothes for sure tag or email me too because more girls skateboard when they see stylish girls skateboarding & get encouragement.



Happy Birthday Skate Like a Girl – PDX

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Skate Like a Girl in Portland is celebrating their 3rd birthday!  adidas skateboarding is helping them celebrate with #3StripesFor3Years.

You can join them September 10th

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and you can find out all the details by clicking below – you don’t have to be in Portland to participate

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For more on what Skate Like a Girl Portland does and why to support them – check out their IG or their about page below.

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To me skateboarding is sport/art/transportation/exercise/rolling yoga & self-confidence building it’s why I share stories of girls & organizations that encourage girls to skate – more girls skateboard when they see girls skateboarding & get encouragement.

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Inclusion – building self-confidence are always in style on & off the board.

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Four Weeks to KAABOO Del Mar

Four weeks to KAABOO Del Mar it’s time to get serious about planning.

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If you don’t have your tickets – get them now – there’s 1 day and 3 day passes.  I’m so excited to say I’ll be there all 3 days – because choosing between all the artists would have been too hard.

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What to wear?  I’ve been working in the background and will be posting updates on my tips.  For sure you’ll see me there in Articles of Society & Adidas but 3 days room for dresses & sandals?

jeans and adidas

picture TooPretty

Who to go with – there will be plenty of parking but it’s always more fun to go with & hang with your squad.

As you make your plans – share them because I want to know why you’re excited to go & hope to meet up with tons of you.



All Good Deeds Make the World Better

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Love that GRO – Girl Riders Organization took the time to share this rad event.   The more people who know about something – the more people who can do something & all good deeds, no matter how small – make the world a better place.  Kindness breeds kindness.

It’s easy to take going back to school for granted – there’s new clothes – new backpacks – and of course school supplies.  For many that’s not the case – getting back to school & being ready for school is a struggle.

I had the pleasure to help Skater Rising build backpacks for 20 in need on August 13th in Encinitas and I’m thrilled that more people are doing the same all over.  Hope many make it out to the House of Vans in Brooklyn on August 18th and even more check out Operation Backpack.

Thanks again GRO – love to hear how people are keeping it stylish on & off the board – hope more share their stories soon!