All posts by Jordan

Skating Fashionista on a mission to promote both skate boarding & fashion!

Skater Girls Have All Kinds of Interests

soccer skater

Linda_008 shared this picture of her daughter skateboarding between soccer games.  I love it because it shows that girls can have all kinds of interests.

People tend to give out labels.  The sporty girl or the smart girl or any number of labels can be put on you.  Just remember you are more than any one trait or passion.

Never limit yourself but what others think – know you can do anything you have the determination to do both on & off the board.

I’m back from my unexpected trip and excited to get back to my mission of getting more girls to skateboard for fun!

updated with location 5/19/15

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Skateboard because it’s FUN

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I share pictures and stories of girls skateboarding & having fun because that’s what gets other girls to try skateboarding.  Sure you can skateboard for other reasons – everything from transportation to wanting to win huge prizes – but the best and for me only reason to skateboard is fun.

This is Merle in Germany – she’s been skateboarding for 8 months – together with Sue Noelle she’s started skatepage11 to encourage other girls – their bio reads – It’s not about being the best It’s about being better than you were yesterday!

I think these two girls are two to watch!  Girls who encourage each other are the strong ones, the ones who make positive changes happen both on & off the board!

Currently I’m in Belgium for a family emergency – so I haven’t been posting regularly – I did bring my skateboard so I’m trying to keep it stylish on & off the board – which is the best any of us can do.


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Greenway_surfers are a longboard crew From Nashville Tennessee.

This picture is from their girls skate in Dickson, Tennessee.  I love to see squads of girls out there skateboarding for fun.

Dickson is a city in Dickson County, Tennessee, United States. It is part of the Nashville Metropolitan Area.  I always thought of music when I thought of Nashville – now I’ll think of skater girls & music.  Where are you skateboarding and how are you encouraging other girls to start and stay skating?  

More girls do skate as they see girls skateboarding for fun and it’s always stylish to encourage & support other girls!

UPDATE 5/20/16 the picture of #girlscanskate Tennessee

42 tennessee


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Love this photo from ashleyroseexoxo!   As to why is it sortasketchy? That’s where she was.

To see an event recap check out femmeskate who promotes and supports female skateboarders.

We all grow when we support each other – keep sharing your photos and stories because more girls do skate as they see girls skateboarding.

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Lip Slide Madness

lip slide

This picture is from hannah_sk8 Lip Slide Madness video.  Follow the link and you’ll see her land it with style.  She’s skateboarding in Montreal Quebec Canada.

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When I googled skateparks in Canada – I was happy to find how many there were.   Canada has some rad facilities – including indoor ones.  Happy to know you can keep it stylish on & off the board year round in Canada!

My First Skate Video

first video

Brielsk8grl shared her first skate video with us – she started skating on and off just two months ago and fell in love with it.

I’m happy to say she’s been skating for another month now.  I am so happy about all the girls, who are taking the time to share their photos, videos, and stories.

More girls do skateboard as they see girls skateboarding and we encourage each other.  Briel is 4 and she definitely inspires me to keep encouraging girls to skateboard for fun & keep it stylish.

Shout out to all the parents like Briel’s who encourage their children to stay active, smile, and work with others – it’s always super stylish to spread positive vibes on & off the board!

You Got to Start Somewhere

start somewhere

mikebjork captioned this video – You got to start somewhere!  I’m really glad for the reminder because when you’re watching super shredders it’s easy to get discouraged and feel defeated because of what you can’t yet do.

Focus on what you can do.  If all you can do is get out the skateboard and stand on it – celebrate that.  Everything has a first step – really there’s no running without the first step.

Surround yourself with encouraging people – both those physically around you & who you hang out with on social media.  Mike and his daughter are in Halmstad Sweden – which is far far away from San Diego CA USA – yet they are sharing encouragement so other girls can see skateboarding is fun.

Every day is not going to be “the best day ever” but every day can be the day you look at things positively – looking for opportunities both on & off the board is stylish!


Bad Weather in Barcelona & Skateboarding in Castles

barcelona stormy

What do skater girls do in Barcelona when the weather’s bad?  They skate – love this picture from charlotte_hym.

Charlotte skates in a lot of rad places a recent peek on her IG shows her in the Netherlands – skating in a castle.

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Thank you Charlotte for sharing & thank you skateboarding for motivating me to start this blog – I learn something every day.

And if you’re a skater girl out there and want to help encourage other girls please let me know.  More girls do skate as they see girls skate and we encourage each other!

Skateboarding with my Best Bud

mom and twin son

This picture is titled cruising with my best budgiogo2013

And no the little buddy is not a girl; it’s a boy who is skateboarding with his mom.  How rad is that for a mom to teach her son how to skateboard – well they are actually learning together – that’s even radder!

He’s five and actually has a twin but skateboarding is something he & his mom share.  I think they are both lucky to have found skateboarding.  I’m not worried about his twin – with a mom this rad I’m sure they share something equally special.

Really appreciate Giovanna sharing this picture and story with me – I hope it inspires many other moms to give skateboarding with their child a try.  Remember you don’t have to be a super shredder to skate together, you just have to be willing to have fun together!


Sliding in Thailand

slide 180

Cheetahzita doing a sit-down slide 180.  Sliding is the most effective braking technique for downhill skateboarders – or so says Google. 

I went out with Arbor Girl friends last Sunday.  After hitting a few parks – which I call home – we went to a hill.  They called it a hill – mountain is what I’d call it.  I had the borrowed gloves on and a loaner down hill skateboard by my side – but the idea of trying on a “hill” with a guardrail and cacti to land in – NO NO!

I gotta keep it fun – so I’m going to try sliding on flat land.  I know that’s not the end goal – I want to celebrate the process and work my way up the hill.  I’m totally intrigued by the gloves but it’s all so new & different from how I’m used to skating.

So here’s a big shout out to all my friends who are already going down hill – “masters of squat” is what they are.  And a reminder that your real friends will encourage you to try new things – not force you!

Encouragement is stylish on & off the board – peer pressure and bullying are never stylish.  So grateful to have supportive friends that will help me learn downhill skateboarding “safely” – like is there even such a thing as downhill skateboarding “safely”?  Okay help me learn downhill skateboarding with confidence!