All posts by Jordan

Skating Fashionista on a mission to promote both skate boarding & fashion!

Building a “Right Sized” Skateboard at SkateXS

Smaller feet benefit from a smaller board because the skater has better balance and it’s easier to maneuver.  It’s like riding a bicycle that’s too big for you – riding a big board won’t stop you from riding it’s just not as much fun.

Lucky for us – there’s a skateboard company made by the parents of real skateboarders who faced the dilemma of where to find a small board by making them.

I recently needed a small board for a new friend.  So I headed over to SkateXS in Carlsbad to build one.  To be honest I thought I was going to watch them build the board, but turns out these are some hands on people so I used tools.

You start building your board by selecting your deck.  First figure out your deck size.  SkateXS recommends skaters under 60lbs (generally ages 5-7) find a deck that is 7″ wide and 28″ long. Skaters between 60-80lbs (generally ages 8-10) find a deck that is 7.25″ wide and 29″ long. Skaters over 80lbs can safely start to use “standard” skateboard decks which start at 7.5″ wide and about 31″ long.   Then consider the graphic – yes it’s true it will get scratched but it’s still an expression of you & your beliefs so make sure it’s something you’ll like today and tomorrow.


The next thing to select is grip tape. Grip tape is the gritty, sand papery layer that’s applied to the top of a skateboard deck, so that your shoes can grip the board.   Not everyone is going to warn you about this – but I will – grip tape can ruin your clothes.  Always be mindful of the grip tape or you’ll get snags in your clothes.  Be creative with your grip tape – we used red and blue and personalized it with a name.

grip tape 3

Applying grip tape is a process onto itself.  Yes, they trusted me with a  razor and yes by some miracle I got it on without bubbles but my future is not in grip tape.

Moving along I was entrusted with several drills which I used to get the trucks and wheels on with.



smiling while we work

tighten with the boss

For details on how all these parts work – I highly recommend checking out the SkateXS Parent’s Guide to Skateboarding – they cover safety, equipment, basics,  and FAQ.

For this board which will be used both on the street and the park – we used softer wheels.  And because we used a pack of different colored wheels we kept our warm and cool colors separated.

Want to get a fabulous board like this without the work – easy buy a complete.  SkateXS offers completes for beginners, advanced and pro.  You of course can customize yours and you don’t have to live near Carlsbad.  SkateXS ships internationally.

Like Goldi Locks – you don’t want a board that’s too big, or a board that’s too little – you want the board that’s right for you.  Same goes with your wheels and other equipment.  All the stuff you read are guidelines – as you skate you’ll feel what you like better and that’s what you should ride.

Stay tuned for who’s getting this board – hint he’s a very special five year old whom I recently met at a Learn to Skate Clinic.



ps – this lucky girl won a SkateXS at EXPOSURE Skate because her parents entered the silent auction.  Thanks to all the parents, organizations, and individuals who support girls skateboarding!

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Skateboarding Flipagram

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Skateboarding should be fun – this flipagram is FUN.  Thanks batoul_badawi14 for showing us how you keep it stylish on & off the board.

More girls skate when they see girls skateboarding.  Any board – any age – any level – any where in the world – skateboarding & encouraging other girls is STYLISH!

XOXO skatingfashionista


Arbor Girls Gather

With an instagram bio line of for girls who choose adventure, ride fast & take chances with timeless style & grace – I love Arbor Girls.

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On Sunday November 15th I headed north to the Arbor Venice showroom & headquarters where I met up for an Arbor Girls Ride Day.

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Similar to the San Diego Arbor Girls Ride there was time for boardwalk/skatepark riding and then downhill.  I appreciate these gatherings because it forces me to meet new skater girls.

As the skatingfashionista on a mission to get more girls skateboarding for fun – you wouldn’t think I’d ever be shy about talking to another skater girl.  You’d be wrong.  I can write non stop my verbal skills – not so much.

It’s scary to talk to a stranger – you could be alone, they could be alone, there’s so many reasons it could be awkward.  So a lot of times I smile at other skater girls and definitely answer back but don’t quite have it to start the conversation.  An Arbor Ride Day takes the scary out because you know all the other girls are there to make friends too.

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I’m not all about separation – girls skate here & boys over there.  I believe we can thrive together – just for me it’s easier to thrive after I’ve met someone in a smaller setting.

Especially when I go to a big park or contest it’s easy to feel left out if I’m the “new” girl – everybody already knows everybody and I’m not talking first so it can be a stalemate.   Thanks to Arbor taking the time to have events like this I can meet people gradually and then have friends when I go to bigger events.

Yes – I can skate alone and be happy – it’s just fun to #ridewithyourfriends so thanks to Arbor and all the other organizations that make friend finding way easier and low stress.  Oh and Arbor had prizes – this lucky girl won an Arbor Pocket Rocket.

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Santa bring me an Arbor Pocket Rocket or maybe an Axis – I’ve been good and will use them for adventure (on a small hill)!

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My Favorite Little Girl is a Skater Girl

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Annatheaquarius shares this picture of her favorite little girl.  I’m so glad she did and I’m pretty sure she’s the type of girl that inspires other girls to give skateboarding a try!

Love the pants with matching laces – who’s your favorite skater girl?  We are all stronger when we encourage each other – thanks for taking the time to share!

Nose Grab in Canada

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Queenmeag lives in Canada where she loves to Eat, Sleep, Skate, Repeat.

I’m so happy she shared & love the colors of the park & the tress in the background.  Where are you skateboarding and keeping it stylish – will you take time to share?

Poseiden Foundation 7th Annual Ladies Day at the Berrics

I started this blog because I believe more girls skate when they see girls skateboarding.  I also believe you can skate for fun even if you’re not a great skater and yes even if you remain true to your style.

This year I volunteered to help both EXPOSURE Skate and Poseiden Foundation – I also volunteered my mom.  My mom does not skate, she is not a fashion designer – but she is a believer in creating what you want.

My mom spent hours talking to anyone who would listen why they should have a booth or donate some product because she believes skateboarding empowers girls to chase their dreams.  Plus my mom encouraged me to go out and find other girls who skate because they love it.

One of the girls I met was Meagan Guy – I first blogged about her in May.

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We stayed friends on IG so when my mom landed EXPOSURE some tickets from Luxe Travel.  Thank you Luxe.  I tagged Meagan on the contest rules.  contest

I was psyched because she won and she was coming from Florida to California for EXPOSURE 2015.  I want to stress Meagan won because of her video – my mom had nothing to do with who won – she just got the tickets donated.

After Meagan was confirmed to come – I made sure she knew the week after was the Poseiden Foundation7th Annual Ladies Day at the Berrics.  If you’re all the way from Florida stay a week to skate both events.  Her mom must be okay too – because she let her!

The crazy part is I never met Meagan – I missed her and another girl, Kori, who I was trying to meet both at EXPOSURE & the Berrics – so I guess I’m not too good with my cell phone.  What I am good at is helping other girls encourage each other and know that there is love and support for girls skateboarding.

Meagan’s story didn’t end with her trip – she really rips and made podium at both events.

win at exposure

podium poseiden

My blog doesn’t end here either.  I am inspired more than ever to keep on my mission to get more girls skateboarding for fun and keeping it fashionable.  Not everyone can be a super shredder like Meagan – I believe she’s got some God given talent plus a dedication to practice – but any girl can gain balance & self confidence from skateboarding.  And all girls are stronger when we work together and support each other.

I snagged this picture from johnnyschillereff’s IG – it’s the group shot from Poseiden Foundation7th Annual Ladies Day at the Berrics.  And yes – I’m proud to be the one dressed a little differently – NuxUSA blue tie dye leggings – skateboarding should never be about fitting in it’s all about the balance.



group at berrics

photo credit & thanks also to girlisnota4letterwordAmy Treadway, Poseiden Foundation & EXPOSURE Skate.  Check them and Mahfia-TV to see more photos from the day!

Love to Micaela Ramirez who started Poseiden & made Ladies Day happen, Maya Eve who set up the entire day & all the many others who keep skateboarding fun!

Mondays are Better When You Skateboard

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Olyjoplin says Mondays are better when you dance on a longboard!

Everyday is definitely better when you have something that sets you free – is good for you physically, mentally, & spiritually – maybe that’s why you hear #thankyouskateboarding.

Olyjoplin is a sponsored skater in Venezuela – love her grace & style – so thankful she took the time to share.

She’s Ready & Has Backup

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Kelsaygroms shares this picture of She’s getting ready and if you check out the rest of their Instagram – you’ll see she’s not alone.  She’s one of three skater girl sisters who one day soon will be showing their little bro how to shred.

Who are you skateboarding with?  More girls skate when they see girls skating so please share your pictures & stories.

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And I love, love, love Juliet’s first board – it’s from SkateXS a local Southern California company that specializes in boards for kids.  Just 2.5 and she’s been to an EXPOSURE event and has a board with her name – so super stylish!

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