All posts by Jordan

Skating Fashionista on a mission to promote both skate boarding & fashion!

Celebrating those Who Help Girls Skateboard

January’s theme is celebrating those who help girls skateboard.  I’m happy to say that I’m finding so many examples we’ll be celebrating past January and into February when we’re going to Canada in search of Canadian Skater Girls.

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The person we’re celebrating today is not a girl – john_myhero is a boy and father who inspires and helps his daughter and her friends.

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He also helps stranger the caption for the first photo:

This 14 year old girl asked me to teach her how to drop in.  A couple of falls, and a couple of jump offs later . . . I’m so stoked for her.  john_myhero

Skateboarders helping skateboarders that’s fun and stylish.  John says I’m doing my part in Dallas/Fort Worth.  I’d say from the smiles he’s doing an awesome job.  Thanks John for inspiring/teaching skater girls and then taking the time to share.

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Graced by Grit – Solana Beach Strong & Fashionable

I love skateboarding because it’s both sport and art. I express myself through skateboarding and part of that expression is what I wear. Fashion can get a bum rap as being superficial.

Can wearing fashionable clothes make you a better athlete? Maybe or maybe not, but it can make you a more comfortable athlete. Truth is that materials that move with you and magically gets rid of sweat are good things.

One such good thing is a local company – Solana Beach based
GRACEDBYGRIT. Started and run by two active women who wanted high performing and flattering workout gear. I love and admire
girls who make things happen so I had to find out more about GRACEDBYGRIT. I asked Sarah Anderson, Sales Coordinator, of
GRACEDBYGRIT some questions.

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SF:  I read that you hope women who wear GRACEDBYGRIT
are inspired to feel confident and motivated to be active.
What role do you think confidence and motivation play in
being a successful athlete?

When you feel confident about how you look, you perform better.  You get that extra bit of motivation to take your sport to the next
level. GRACEDBYGRIT wants you to look and feel your best while you do yoga, skateboard, run or stand up paddle.

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SF:  You use fine Italian fabrics why – what are the advantages? Do you design all your clothes in Solana Beach? Are they made locally too?

GRACEDBYGRIT uses Italian fabric because this particular fabric is the only one we found that satisfies our needs for a high performance fabric.  We needed something that felt luxurious, looked amazing and flattered women.

All of our clothes are designed in Solana Beach and manufactured locally in National City an easy 20 minutes away from our GRACEDBYGRIT office and flagship store.

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SF:  You can literally just wash & dry with other clothes?

Yes.  All GRACEDBYGRIT apparel can be washed in your regular washing machine with your regular clothing.
SF:  You sponsor events – I met you because of your generous donation to EXPOSURE Skate how do people find out what you’re supporting and is Family Yoga a staple event at your headquarters? 

GRACEDBYGRIT sponsors yoga every Sunday and offers free run
clubs three other days of the week.  The Events Tab has a complete listing.

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SF:  I see you list adventures – how can I convince you to add skateboarding to the Land options? Not just competitive skateboarding but skateboarding for stress relief and exercise. It really is rolling yoga plus cardio and there’s so many different styles from cruiser board to longboarding to vert skating etc. Have to ask because I 100% believe that more girls skateboard when they see stylish girls skateboarding – so I want to see girls skateboarding on your site.

Consider it added. GRACEDBYGRIT loves all sports; especially the gritty ones.

SF:  You have a motivational hashtag #sweatyourstory – where and how can people share their stories with you?

Social media outlets like instagram and Facebook are fabulous ways to share.  A picture that shows how each GRACEDBYGRIT gritty customer sweats their story helps build the brand message. We love
women of all shapes and sizes that do anything gritty.

We also have a blog for when women are willing to share deeper
what #sweatyourstory means to them. Feel free to contact us
at [email protected] to share on our blog.

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SF:  Shopping for your product – I’m lucky to live near Solana Beach how else and where else can people find your clothes? When buying online do you ship internationally?

GRACEDBYGRIT has online store that is the easiest way to purchase if you don’t live in San Diego.   We also host trunk shows around
the country and you can find those locations on our website on the events page.

GRACEDBYGRIT always looks for gritty girls to host shows!

We are working to grow our international presence over the next year!

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Thank you so much Sarah.   I really hope readers check GRACEDBYGRIT out and then tag  #SWEATyourSTORY and me so the inspiration can just continue to grow!  It would be so rad if a skating fashionista out there had a GRACEDBYGRIT trunk show!!!



AGENDA Emerge January 2016 – How I got there & Why it Mattered

*Several pictures added after original post

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When I started skateboarding in 2012 I didn’t have a female role model. I was one of three girls in the YMCA summer camp. The other two girls quit after the week. The boys were not mean to me. They just kept their distance.

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After this post was originally published – Amanda’s mom sent in this picture from 1/12/2013.

When you’re a 10 year old girly girl it’s hard to be tight with the boys at the skate park. They just stared at my fashion choices. The other big difference was motivation. The boys wanted to push harder, go faster, jump higher – they were fearless. I am willing to fall to learn but my priority is fun.

As a result my skateboarding style is not aggressive. Many people point this out as if it’s a bad thing. It’s a choice. To me skateboarding is rolling yoga about the balance of mind, body, and soul. I don’t plan skate runs, I follow the flow of the day. If skateboarding isn’t fun, I quit skateboarding. What I never quit is being fashionable.

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Added this photo when I added the one from 2013.  This is the collage from 2015 Instagram.

The longer I kept skateboarding, the more boys tried to help me. So I guess there’s some truth to people accepting you when they see your passion and sincerity. One of the best tips I received was from Chad Rivera to see a documentary.

Underexposed was a film made by UC student Amelia Brodka. I got to see a screening and meet the filmmaker. I was so inspired that Amelia made a film about her passion and then started a non-profit so she could create the women’s skate event she dreamed of.

I immediately became an Exposure Skate supporter.   It was inspiring to know there were other skater girls, so I wanted to skate with them. I started competing. And that’s when the differences started to show.

I did practice for contests but my focus was on what I was going to wear. I saw every contest like a red carpet event so I actively worked to create the best outfit I could. My outfit had to look good and function. Pants that split and materials that show sweat never stylish on anyone.

Thanks to social media – Instagram, LinkedIn, and company websites I connected with people who helped me get dressed to skateboard. Then I asked Dave Duncan, a known and respected skateboard announcer to announce what I was wearing rather than my tricks.

To be honest I don’t plan my runs – I have an idea of what I’m going to skate but the line isn’t set in stone. What is set is my outfit. I will always be grateful to Dave when he announced I was wearing jeans by Articles of Society and tee by Boy Meets Girl.

In the rankings I was last but my passion was ignited. From this moment I knew I needed a blog to be taken seriously. Not seriously as a skateboarder but as a skatingfashionista. A skatingfashionista is someone who skates for fun and keeps it fashionable.

I believed beyond a doubt that if I showed the world girls could skate and keep it fashionable other girls would start to skateboard for fun and keep it fashionable. I realized I did have role models they just don’t skateboard.

People like Gwen Stefani are my role models. She’s an artist with multiple passions able to make it all work together. I expanded beyond Instagram and being Jordan Beal to create the

The first posts are of me skateboarding – by putting myself out there by being willing to say I’m here to skateboard for fun and keep it fashionable I started meeting girls around the world who were doing the same. Inspiration feeds inspiration so the blog has continued.

The blog is always evolving. I still help EXPOSURE Skate but I focus on the Learn to Skate Clinic – because that’s my passion getting more girls skateboarding. This year I was amazed at the pros teaching with me – Neal Mims, Kenny Hoyle, Willy Santos, Alex Perelson, Chany Jeanguenin, and PLG were just a few. Seeing these pro skateboarders helping girls – some in all pink, some in skirts, some on a borrowed board for the first time – was beautiful.

I’ve found that working with charities leads to working with other charities. I didn’t even know there were skateboarders helping kids with autism – ASkate or action sports athletes volunteering at Camp Beyond the Scars to make kids feel special. I share all these ways skateboarding can be fun on the blog.

I’m always on the lookout for partnerships. I was beyond excited to partner with Paul Mitchell. Skateboarding in the pink cape to show Paul Mitchell supports all boarder girls at Super Girl was thrilling but handing out products at other events to girls that otherwise wouldn’t have PM products is rewarding – it makes me feel good. The blog let’s me share easy ways to give back like tag #givingismystyle on InstaGram and Paul Mitchell donates to charities.

I haven not yet met Gwen (who’s birthday is the same as mine 10/3) but I have met some of the most amazing people in fashion and skateboarding. People willing to help me show girls skateboarding for fun and keeping it fashionable – because seeing stylish girls skateboarding is what inspires more girls to skateboard.

And it’s good for girls to skateboard – whether it’s a cruiser, long board, in a pool, down a mountain, however they want to skate – skateboarding builds self-confidence. Plus it really is exercise – incredible core workout to stay on the board. I’m honored to ride an Arbor Skateboard because they have skateboards for every type of skateboarding plus by being an Arbor Girl I’m able to continuously meet other skater girls and keep my mind open and try new things like down hill skateboarding.

I was honored last night to hear Jon Wexler speak live at Agenda Emerge. He is the Global Director of Entertainment and Influencer Marketing at Adidas. I found out about the event because I follow @wex1200. I was so motivated to hear him speak – I ended up with a pass to Agenda so I could report on the fashion from the floor plus see him. It is so important to ask for what you want. I believe Oprah “You get in life what you have the courage to ask for.”

I haven’t written my blog post on my Agenda fashion finds – I had to write this one first. What I learned at Agenda Emerge is keep following my passions. I guess I didn’t need permission to fail – because skateboarding has taught me falling isn’t failure – but that’s what Jon Wexler gives. He shares his success and his failure to show it’s all about falling forward.

Will any of the potential partnerships I made at Agenda develop? I hope so because that will help more girls see girls skateboarding for fun and keeping it fashionable. But if not one relationship comes from Agenda I still grew and learned so much in two days.

Thanks Jon Wexler for letting me know about the event – and yes I think you know Gwen and can introduce me!

Added this picture from IG AGENDASHOW – Jon Wexler speaking at Emerge 1/8/16

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Friends Help Friends

boy teaches girl

My blog is all about more girls skating when they see stylish girls skateboarding and receiving encouragement.  Today we celebrate boys that help girls skate.

I love this picture from shawndeer99.  I love that he’s taking the time to help her plus I giggled at his caption when girls go to the skatepark for the right reasons.

I’m at the skatepark for the right reasons and if you are too – then share your pictures and stories.  Keep it stylish on & off the board by encouraging others to be their best!




Girls Learning a Rock to Fakie all Around the World

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a7x_liesje aka Lisa from the Netherlands shares this picture of learning a Rock to Fakie.

Learning any new skate trick is an accomplishment – learning a new skate trick with your friends is a celebration!  And if you haven’t heard #girlscanskate and keep it stylish!

Today we are proud to celebrate the girls who are truly happy when other girls succeed.    Loved the Arborgirls New Years Post – empowered women, empower women.

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Helping with Skateboarding is Fun

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Today we celebrate skater girls who help at camps – whether it’s an hour or two camp or an adventure away from home like the amazing Woodward facilities.  It is super inspiring to see girls on the staff.

Hannahwaltman_ shares this group shot from Up Ward Intuition Skate Camp in Pensacola Florida.  She was a helper – I love to see more girls skateboarding and I really love to see more girls giving back through skateboarding.

Skateboarding has introduced me to so many people and taught me so many skills in addition to board skills – how has skateboarding changed your life for the better?  Why do you like encouraging others to skate?

Who else do you want to celebrate for inspiring you to skateboard?  Remember you don’t have to be a girl or even a skater to inspire girls to skateboard – my mom is a huge cheerleader who has never skateboarded.

New Skateboards in 2016

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Christmas 2015 is over – so what happens to all those Christmas presents?  My hope especially for the skateboards out there are that they get used.

Skateyogi shares this picture of sheer delight over a Silly deck.  I think it’s a great picture to start off the first week of 2016 and the next couple of posts will be about girls who are out there making sure new boards get used.

More girls skateboard when they see stylish girls skateboarding and get encouragement so keep sharing – you don’t have to be a super shredder to inspire someone else to skate you just have to be willing.  So who’s willing in 2016?


Active Ride Shop Really Does Support Skater Girls

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I’ve had the pleasure of working with Active Ride Shop several times in 2015 – including at Super Girl in Oceanside and EXPOSURE in Encinitas.  I love how they believe and support skater girls – not just by carrying stylish items, or offering discounts, but by using real skater girls in their promotional material.  Above and below the stylish mikayla_sheppard.

In 2016 the blog is happy to continue sharing how organizations believe and support #girlscanskate!

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