All posts by Jordan

Skating Fashionista on a mission to promote both skate boarding & fashion!

Longboard Girls Crew in Venezuela

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I love to see girls skateboarding and I really love to see girls getting help.  Yes you can teach yourself skateboarding – but it’s also fun to get tips.  Thanks for sharing this picture longboardgirlscrewvenezuela.

Asking for help can be scary – but it’s a good skill to have.  It can help you learn faster and sometimes even make friends.  Plus you can than pay it back by helping someone else.

Today this girl is getting help skateboarding – tomorrow she is helping someone else learn skateboarding.


JSG2016 Skating Event in Jerusalem

hive_mind_skateteam a small group of skaters, from a small town in the middle of nowhere, shared this photo


which lead me to this photo from jsg2016


so now we know the girls are keeping it stylish at the Jerusalem Skate Park.

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JSG stands for Jerusalem Skate Group – and you know I love their logo!


Reminder to all international skater girls check out EXPOSURE Skate’s contest for this years EXPOSURE Skate on 11/5 at the Encinitas Community Park

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Friends Encourage & Share

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This blog is about more girls skateboarding because they see stylish girls skateboarding and everyone keeping it stylish on & off the board.  This blog post about suzyheat12 came because her friend and mine inspiration_motivation1 shared it.

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Suzyheat12 has loads of videos and some rad pictures so check her out.

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If you know of someone inspiring others to skate and keep it stylish on & off the board – please share – thanks!

Couples who Skateboard Together

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Whether you’re just married like kim_klunder above or celebrating ten years like florence.lang below – couples who skate together are super stylish.

I’m not saying if you’re a skater girl you’ll only be happy with a skater boy.  First be happy with yourself then if you want, find someone to share happiness with.

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I also love this shot on the Pom Pom – Ride with Your Friends page – wishing everyone a Happy Wax-iT Wednesday!

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Skateboarding Spam

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Rianneskate called this video Skateboarding Spam!!  I think it’s an example for her patience and persistence.  If you don’t have patience when you start skateboarding you will if you keep skateboarding.

Check out more from her and other Girl Skate UK riders in the Barcelona Ladies Street Edit.  Strong girls support each other and I love to see how UK girl skateboarding is so supportive!

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Style at the WCMX 2016

Last Saturday & Sunday (April 23-24, 2016) RISE presented WCMX in Grand Prairie Texas.

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Thanks to Ella I’m able to share some pictures from the event.  For full coverage click here.

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The first video I saw was Ella climbing the stairs.

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And my favorite pictures was Ella jumping over her mom.

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Please share all your pictures/stories of keeping it stylish on & off the board.

XOXO skatingfashionista


Venice Springtime Ladies Jam

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picture from Bridge to Skate

Venice Springtime Ladies Jam transformed the beach from this . . .

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picture from Heidi Lemmon

. . . to this – a festival of fun vendors including Arbor Girls

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picture from Arbor Girls

Tons of skater girls

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pictures from Poseiden Foundation, Girl is NOT a 4 Letter Word, and Bridget does Yoga

 Who had fun both on & off the board.

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Video Silly Girl Skate Boards rider Kristy

I wasn’t able to make it – I’m thankful to IG for these high lights and looking forward to writing a post with Arbor GirlTara Tate the Great.

Would love to hear from other girls too – because more girls skate when they see girls skate and get encouragement.

Recap: Girls Skate Sesh – 4/24

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picture from yogaforskateboarders

Really incredible to see all the girls working together and that everyone is invited & welcome.  Even if you can’t make it like I couldn’t it’s nice to know & see these events.

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picture from christianasmith 

featuring imooshell, katrynsy, & ali_stevens

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picture from girlsskatela

Next session is May 29th at Sheldon Park – hope lots of girls go & then share the pictures – because more girls skate when they see girls skate & we encourage each other!



Happy Birthday Roller Girl Gang – April 30th

I love getting invited to events – so I was thrilled to get this

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I wasn’t able to go – but I am able to show some very rad photos from past events & am celebrating with them in spirit.

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Happy Birthday Roller Girl Gang!

I just read on Huff Post Women – Girl Power is about Teamwork not Competition – I see you girls working together as a team & it is very powerful to me – keep it up!

I love how you include girls on roller skates & skateboards – including others that’s stylish on & off the board.

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UPDATE – mama_treehugger sent us this update from the party – where she had fun with georgiaroseskatergirl & the entire Roller_Girl_Gang

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always times for updates – thanks for sharing!

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