All posts by Jordan

Skating Fashionista on a mission to promote both skate boarding & fashion!

Skateboarding with Positive Thoughts is Stylish


Today – I’m going with a quote. I’m doing it as much for me as anyone reading this. It’s hard not to care when people judge, bully, tease, or ignore you.

When you have the courage to let the hateful voices go, epic stuff happens.

So till next time stay stylish and positive on & off the board!

Just keep Skateboarding


Endurance is not just the ability to bear a hard thing, but to turn it into glory. Some days, there won’t be a song in your heart, but sing anyway! – Jesslynsummers

Jesslyn may be living down under in Australia but she’s tip top on wisdom. Skateboarding involves falling and getting back up – which is easier said than done. Not every day will be good not every experience wonderful, skateboarding has taught me how to deal with life – thanks skateboarding.

And thanks Jesslyn for encouraging us all!  More girls do skateboard as they see girls skateboarding!!!

Fairies, Mermaids, and Skater Girls


Alicevwonderland is skateboarding in a dress. She is killing it in a dress. Don’t believe it’s a dress there are other photos where it’s clearly a dress. I love her style and appreciate that she’s out there proving that stylish skating girls aren’t myths like fairies and mermaids.

Stylish skater girls are alive and well and growing in numbers around the world. Not just locally but globally I see a growth in the number of girls skateboarding.

Alice is keeping it stylish on & off the board in Germany – can’t wait to see where the next skating fashionista will be skateboarding!


Daddy Approved Shorts for Skateboarding


When it comes to skateboarding – I have to admit longer – a.k.a. daddy approved shorts – have advantages.

Yes, if you fall on your bum – it’s better to have longer shorts.  In this shot I’m wearing my favorite jean shorts by who else – Articles of Society. Just like their cousins the Maya & Yoga jeans, these shorts move with you when skateboarding . For a video of me going from an air to but boarding check out Instagram.

It’s always a good day at the skate park and for me it’s an even better day when I’m wearing shorts that my father is not complaining about.

As always keep it stylish on & off the board and remember a prepared skating fashionista is one with several changes of clothes – so yes your wardrobe and bag should have shorts of all lengths!

Support Others Success in Skateboarding & Life


Finally Got it!!! So Stoked!!!! Thanks to everyone who helped me get it – meglemon14

This is what I love to see – make sure to watch the video for all the glory. Smiling while skateboarding and working together is beautiful to be a part of and watch. Skateboarding is not a team sport per say but it is more fun with friends.

Meglemon14 thanks for sharing and I truly am happy for your success.

Support is always in style on & off the board!



Skateboarders Breakfast & Beauty Tip


“People often say that ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder,’ and I say that the most liberating thing about beauty is realizing that you are the beholder. This empowers us to find beauty in places where others have not dared to look, including inside ourselves.” –  Salma Hayek

I say Salma Hayek has style & words of wisdom.

And yes, I saw the beauty in the chocolate apple – then I ate him with my family because I needed some breakfast before I headed out skateboarding.  Happy Easter!


Serious Athletes Can & Do Wear Makeup


Is Peach the new Pink?

No don’t be silly it’s just a new option from Jane Iredale.

As I’ve shared before I love Jane Iredale’s products – my life wouldn’t be the same without Jelly Jar™ Gel Eyeliner. And loving makeup doesn’t mean I’m not a serious athlete.

Well, I’m not a total hardcore serious skateboarder – I’m definitely in it for the fun but wearing makeup isn’t a sign of weakness. Here is a sad true story – my makeup was questioned and not by boys but misinformed girls at the skate park.

Yes, in 2015 there are girls out there who think you can’t wear makeup and be an athlete. (And I’m in Southern California – OMG!) Sad so sad that people still think makeup is for others not the wearer.

As a blogger I love to read other rad blogs and I encourage everyone to read Alyssa Matthews “4 Reasons Why Women Wear Makeup (For Those Who Just Don’t Get It)”

I 100% agree with her reasons – which really quick are

  • Really, we just do it for ourselves
  • It corrects things that we cannot always correct on our own
  • It’s a way to be expressive

I’m not saying you have to wear makeup – I believe you have the right to wear makeup. And I think you can wear makeup some days and no makeup other days and be the same person.

Well I am the skatingfashionista keeping it fun & fashionable on & off the board. Till next time keep your makeup options open – yes I’m totally daring you to try the peach!

Ride the Skateboard that is Right for You


Carmen_sutra can ride skateboards of all sizes. I like that – the pictures of her skate adventures are incredible. I appreciate that she loves all skateboards.

There’s no such thing as one size board fits all. Just like there’s no must have wheel. And believe me I argue with my dad about wheels all the time. Yes, there are guidelines – you can check out Tactics for details. The most important take away from the article is: “This is all a matter of riding style and personal preference, so use these ranges as a starting-off point and determine the best fit for your own set-up.”

There is such a thing as favorite wheels. If you have a skateboard with wheels you love and over a period of time they have consistently performed– it is totally ok to consider them your favorite wheels and you can ride them until they don’t roll anymore. Yes even if some people are like “WTF is up with those wheels” – if you like the feel of the wheels keep them on your board.

I also believe it is not a waste of money to have several boards that you ride depending on what you’re riding. You’re blessed if you can have several boards. With clothes you should never wear ill-fitting ones. And with boards and wheels it’s the same thing – if it feels wrong for you it’s wrong – if it feels good to you – ride on.

Thanks Carmen for sharing the rad shot and showing girls can skateboard!

There is NO Skateboarding Uniform


Vianez Morales has some amazing videos and shots on her Instagram. The link will take you to a video and the picture above is one where I just love, love, love the outfit.

If you Google how to dress like a skateboarder and you’ll find a lot of advice like:

. . . The more black, ripped and worn out clothing you have, the better you’re going to look . . .

Well maybe black, ripped, and worn out clothing looks good on you – wear it skateboarding – my point is there is NO skateboard uniform. You don’t have to be dressed in black, Vianez is shredding in yellow – some might even say neon yellow – she looks fabulous and inspires me to keep skateboarding.

Keep sharing your pictures – the more people see the more they know stereotypes about skateboarders are just stories.