When People Tease You About Skateboarding

Learning anything new can be scary.  So it helps to keep a positive mind and focus on things that give you strength.  That’s why I love audbam’s photo & tag about learning to longboard


I work ahead so several weeks passed between the picture and the post.  When I went to check the link, I was really sad to see that audbam had been teased for participating in the blog.  I’ve been teased and bullied and yes I’ve heard sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me – and maybe it’s literally true.  But what’s 100% true is words can build you up, words can tear you down.

We all make mistakes including saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.  I just want to challenge myself & others to try and use the words that build yourself and others up.

The world would be a better more peaceful place if everyone remembered & practiced

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Till next time keep skateboarding for fun & encouraging others to be their best – because that’s what’s Thumper wishes for everyone.