I recently was tasked with a school assignment for my Personal Fitness Class – explain how roller skating can improve your fitness and how you can get rolling. Below are the slides I shared with my class.
I’m sharing it here because I love when your passions can be your work. How are you able to incorporate your love of roller skating and skateboarding into your life? Hope you share soon.
Click on the slides to read more! If you’re thinking about skating – any kind of skating – stop thinking & just start skating. It really will help you on & off the board because exercise is good for the body, mind & soul.
I love that Mäe? shares her journey – both the good and the bad. So many times with social media people only share their highs. It can make others feel less than because how can “she” always be winning and having a perfect life.
Perfection is a myth! In order to succeed (live a happy life & chase your dreams) you have to be willing to fall and willing to get back up and try again.
If you want to inspire others to try skateboarding or anything else, share your journey. Share your entire journey. There is joy in learning because falling is not failing. The persistence you learn on the board will help you throughout life.
Where are you skateboarding? Above Mäe is at the Base Skatepark in Bogner Regis, England and below she’s at the Southsea Skatepark who’s celebrating 40 years.
I love to see all the girls around the world having fun skateboarding and taking the time to encourage others. I hope you take the time to share soon.