I had the delicious pleasure of tasting Go Girl at the Neon Supergirl Pro this past July in Oceanside CA. In addition to finding out they were tasty, I found out they were a low-calorie energy drink and supporters of a good cause.

So if they’re an energy drink are they healthy? What good cause do they support? This post will answer those questions and more because it’s the Go Girl interview post with Amanda.

How can Go Girl provide energy and be healthy? I’ve always heard that energy drinks are high in caffeine & sugar.
Amanda: Go Girl prides itself on providing a healthier energy drink for its consumers. Our flagship flavor, Original Sugar Free, is sugar free and only 5 calories per can. Our second most popular flavor, Peach tea is sweetened with agave nectar and only 35 calories per can.
We are healthier because sugar and calorie levels are low. Each flavor also contains B vitamins, which helps naturally extend the energy after the caffeine has worn off. This, theoretically will eliminates the “shakes and crashes” that other energy drinks can cause. GoGirl also contains a natural appetite suppressant, garcinia cambogia, that will help maintain cravings. Plus Go Girl is proudly gluten free and kosher.
Due to the fact that it is an energy drink, it is not recommended for minors to consume. It is safe for one to consume as many as recommended by your doctor, everyone is different, but it is not recommended to consume if you are pregnant or breast feeding.

I read that Go Girl Sugar Free is the original drink and supports breast cancer awareness. How does is do that and do the other flavors support a cause?
Amanda: Go Girl and it’s parent company, Nor-Cal Beverage are proud supporters of Breast and Ovarian Cancer Awareness and Research Causes. With every case sold, we donate $.50 to these causes.
Some non-profit organizations are local to the areas that we are distributed in and some are statewide organizations. Some provide funding for research, like Susan G. Komen, and some provide funding and care before, during and after a diagnosis is made.
Beyond the monetary donations, we are also constantly donating our products to events throughout our markets that directly benefit Breast and Ovarian Causes. You can find out which specific organizations that we donate to, on our website.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month – Go Girl helps spread awareness every day!

I met you at a community event, what type of events does GoGirl participate in and what’s the best way to find out where they will be next?
Amanda: Supergirl is one of those events that we participate in yearly. Yes it is a community event, but it’s proceeds benefit women’s health and well-being. It’s best to check our instagram feed for upcoming events and where we will be next.

There’s Go Girl fashion. The fashionista in me loves that – the Pink Zip Up Hoodie & Black Pull Over Hoodie plus a beach towel. Are those only available on line?
Amanda: Yes, we have some swag items and are constantly trying to expand our merchandise to provide wearable’s for all those in our demographic, women 18-65. At this time, there are only on our online store and occasionally sold at events, where appropriate.

The best way to experience Go Girl is by tasting it. If an event isn’t coming up soon you can check them out at tons of locations.
Since launching in 2005 from Sacramento, CA, Go Girl has expanded to nine western states to find out if Go Girl is in your area check out their locator.
Plus Go Girl is available thru their website. They ship everywhere and in the continental US, ground shipping is free with a case purchase.
Thanks Go Girl for supporting all girls and special thanks to Amanda for taking time to do this interview.
Life is more positive & stylish when you know about positive things going on – companies who make giving back a priority are definitely positive & stylish to me! What organizations are helping you keep it stylish on & off the board?