Passing the Torch & Saving Lives

pass the torch to niece

Yes, it’s fun to skateboard and it’s even more fun to skateboard with others.   Stacy is sharing the fun of skateboarding or as she says passing the torch with her niece.

Skateboarding really can be a light in your life.  I’ve seen posts saying Skateboarding Saved My Life.  Which seems weird because so many people think skateboarding is dangerous – life is dangerous.  Skateboarding is more than physical – it’s emotional and can be spiritual so if skateboarding can make you feel better physically, emotional, and perhaps spiritually well then it really could save and definitely improve your life.

Keep it stylish this weekend – sharing & encouraging others on & off the board.


All Around the World

elephant hat hongkong

All around the world you can find girls skateboarding for fun.  This is Mitsuki1122 skating in Hong Kong’s  Tsing Yi Park. The park is as incredible as Misuki’s style.

Have to agree with Brit & Iggy:

All around the world, pretty girls
Wipe the floor with all the boys
Pour the drinks, bring the noise
(It’s Iggy-Iggs!)
We’re just so pretty!
All around the world, pretty girls
Jump the line, to the front
Do what we like, get what we want
(Where you at, Brit?)
We’re just so pretty!



Skateboarding When It’s Popular and When It’s Not

Anitaesse is skateboarding at Iseo Lake in Italy.  She’s been skateboarding since 2001 and when she’s not on her board she’s an artist and web manager.  I had to share this because she looks stylish and shows that girls can have fun skateboarding for years.

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According to a recent  reports on the relative popularity of skateboarding as a Google search term.  In the United States, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom search activity relating to skateboarding has decreased dramatically, virtually year-on-year since 2004 – source Love Extreme Sports May 6, 2013

Yes people have pointed to that data and other data as a reason why I should not pursue my mission of getting more girls to skateboard for fun.  My answer:  I don’t skateboard because it’s popular or to be popular.  I skateboard because I have fun and enjoy skateboarding.  I see girls like Anitaesse and I know there are other girls who feel the same way.

A skater skates when it’s popular and when it’s unpopular.  A skater encourages others to skate because they want to share the fun.  It’s never stylish to judge or exclude others on or off the board.



Endless Roads

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Glittersforashes captioned this picture – Endless Roads.  I loved the caption because skateboarding has opened so many roads for me.

I would still love fashion if I didn’t skateboard but I doubt I’d have a blog.  The blog has introduced me to so many girls and opportunities around the world that I really feel free to travel.

I read a quote yesterday from Gossip Girl  – as with any journey, who you travel with can be more important than your destination – I agree and am grateful for the people I’ve met through skateboarding.


One Girl is Strong – Many Girls are Invincible

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Usually I work ahead so the post you see is something I saw a week or so before – which I love because it means there are more & more girls out there skateboarding for fun & keeping it stylish.

Today I saw this & it’s the daily post – it comes from Judy in Ormoc City – Philippines.  Judy is with her skateboarding crew – I love the smiles on their faces!  There’s over 10 girls in this shot so I just know more girls skateboard when they see other girls skating.  Plus I know more girls skateboard when we encourage each other.

This was not the only picture that made my morning the other was from Girls Not a 4 Letter Word – congratulating Leticia Bufoni for making ESPN’s The Body Issue.

When girls congratulate each other – celebrate each others victories – that’s when all girls grow.  One girl is strong – many girls are invincible!

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Yes I do think this picture is beautiful as the ESPN Body Issue always celebrates the human body – and it’s rad that ESPN shows that both the male & female body are beautiful.

Till next time keep it stylish on & off the board!

Never Too Little To Push, Have Fun & Build Confidence

keep pushin get confidence

Youth Skateboarding build confidence with every push!   py2p or pushingyouth2push.

I say go Sophie & go team PY2P.  Skateboarding is sport and art – I’ve been saying for awhile it’s like rolling yoga.  Skateboarding teaches your body balance but also your mind.

New tricks seldom come first try so with every new trick you try you have to first believe in yourself and then be ready to try, try again.  Endurance is stylish on & off the board!


Be Happy and Love Life

skatefaster skategirl

Henrietta Bishop is a 19 years old skater girl who lives by the motto be happy and love life.

I totally agree and it got easier for me to be happy and love life when I realized it doesn’t matter what others are doing, it matters what I am doing!  I’m skateboarding for fun & I’m staying true to my fashion sense – I’m encouraging other girls to skate for fun & stay who they are.

Being and loving yourself is stylish on & off the board!


Get Outside & Play

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Happy Weekend everyone!  Hope you’re all getting outside to play!Sierra 

I’m with Sierra – wishing everyone a happy playful weekend.  Sierra does more than skateboard – she’s actually a pro skier, model, yogi, and surfer who’s bio reads . . . . All good things are wild & free.

Keeping it stylish on & off the board means keeping it fun for yourself and everyone else.  Freedom is about being grateful for your rights and respecting other peoples’ rights.

Happy & Fun Fourth of July Weekend to everyone around the world!

Enjoy Life & Take Time to Say Thank You

boyfriend encourages

What caught my eye about this picture first – the Arbor Board – I am after all an Arbor Girl.  Then I read the caption:

two women who have changed my life – Brice Benhadj

so I had to share the picture – it’s so important to stop and take time to say Thank You to the people who support you.  Your supporters help you grow and become a better person.

I have my share of haters – talking about my skateboarding not being that good so who am I to encourage more girls to skateboard – there’s more to life than being good at something – there’s enjoying something.

Here’s to all the people in our lives who help us enjoy life – that’s stylish on & off the board.


Princesses do Skateboard



Rylee’s birthday present! She watched the Pink Helmet Posse on TV and became obsessed and she tries to skate on her brothers board so I got her a board her size.  – Mom Michelle

Rylee I love your style – you truly are a princess and the light up shoes are the bomb!  Thanks for sharing this picture and for proving that more girls skateboard when they see girls skateboarding!  I’m so glad you saw the Pink Helmet Posse on TV and I’m sure you will inspire other girls to skate too.

Happy Birthday Rylee – wishing you a year of fabulous style on & off the board!  Michelle love your style too – keep encouraging Rylee and so many other girls to be themselves & have fun!