Tag Archives: Australia

Get Creative with Your Ramps

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Lisakindberg skates what she finds – literally she found a fridge laying around and decided to do something with it, lika a cheeky Lil ride on the wall I’m almost 30 and I still jump off stuff on a skateboard.  That smile on my face shows I need to do it more often.  My decision to go skateboarding today was in honor of you Gisa, RIP. photo Alex

You’re never to young or old to skateboard or start skateboarding.  I’m sorry for your loss Lisa and appreciate you sharing how skateboarding makes you happy.

BTW – Lisa is Swedish currently based in Lennox Head/Byron Bay, Australia – stylish girls skateboard around the world.

Jacinta Dropping in at Tugun Skate Park

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Jacinta is 7 and already loves dropping in.  Here she is at Tugun Skate Park in Australia.  When I looked up the park I read that it’s an older park that mostly consists of half pipes, banks, and quarters with little street but a new upgrade has dramatically increased the rating of the park.  The refurbished consists of a pool style bowl with stairs, banks, rails, and ledges.  skatespots.com.au

The pool & sky look beautiful to me – I’m so glad Jacinta shared it with us.  More girls do skate as they see stylish girls skateboarding and stylish girls always encourage more girls to skate!

Girls Skateboarding Around the World

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I show girls skateboarding around the world because more girls skate when they see girls skateboarding.

Magalyfbe is a special inspiration to me because she’s a girl that skates around the world.  Originally from Peru living in Australia she took her skateboard to Slovenia, Italy, France, and Switzerland.

How rad – I would love to take a trip like that.  Where are you skateboarding and how far have you traveled with your board?

So this day in January we are grateful a girl can take her skateboard and have fun around the world.

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Inspiration from Down Under

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Holidaysauce_skateboards  aka mum Laura shares this photo which makes me believe that everything is better smaller and with a touch of pink.

This is Miranda, she’s 5 years old and from Adelaide, South Australia. She loves skating in different skate spots around southern Adelaide, drawing robots and pretending she’s an aeroplane (airplane). 

Mum and dad got her some skate coaching, which has been so much fun and really helpful in teaching her proper techniques and safety.

Miranda also loves skating in her lounge room, because it means she can launch herself from the board to the couch . . . at speed.  Mum and dad don’t mind, though we encourage her to skate as often as possible outside.  It’s all about having as much fun on the board as possible (and wearing cool pink helmets!)

While she’s currently the only girl from her group of friends who skate, we hope her enthusiasm and playfulness will help encourage more girls to do the same.  Until then, she’s stuck with mum and dad at the skatepark. – Laura

Miranda is very lucky to be “stuck” with such encouraging parents.  I’m confident her enthusiasm will be contagious and soon southern Adelaide skate parks will have many skatingfashionistas!

Her friends are also lucky because I hear her house has lots of skateboards for them to try out.  So today we celebrate all the people from down under who encourage girls to skateboard for fun.