The Heart Supply – Skateboarding culture club

A friend shared the news of the The Heart Supply with me, so I want to share it with you.

At the moments there’s some mystery but it looks like we are about to know more in 4 days!

What are you passionate about? When you follow your passions, you give the world your best and giving your best is contagious. Contagious in a miraculous and good way, because excellence inspires excellence.

Even when we fall, when we get back up we inspire others to keep going. When you skate, you may think it’s just you and your board. In some ways skating is an escape, a way to have “me” time. But in other ways skating is a community. There’s joy in having fun skating with others and there’s definitely the ability to inspire each other to keep improving.

This quest to keep improving, to have fun while you’re learning is something that stays with you on and off the board.

Get out there – follow your passions and then like the Heart Supply share it with the world.

Bye the way – happy Friday the 13th. Never let superstition scare you into not doing something. All days are meant to be your best day – luck is where you work & make it!