Brittany on Skateboarding

Brittany shares this photo and her thoughts on skateboarding.

Why she started skateboarding?

She started because she moved and there was a skatepark.  She had her dad sign her & her brother up.  (She skates in New Smyrna Beach, Florida.)

Why does she like skateboarding?

She likes skating because it’s a funny & difficult sport.

Why does she think skateboarding is good for girls?

Skating shows girls they can do anything they put their mind too!

Thanks Brittany – I absolutely love your style.  The attitude of seeing something & just chasing it until it’s yours is amazing.

Be like Brittany – see others skateboarding & give it a try.  If you don’t like it, don’t keep skating.  Never be the person wishing you would have tried something – being the person who follows their passions is always more stylish.