Do You Remember the Mother Who Wrote the Thank You Letter to a Skater Boy?

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A mother has written a heartwarming Facebook message to thank a teenage boy for helping her daughter learn how to skateboard – despite getting teased by his friends.

Jeanean Thomas, from Cambridge, Ontario, told how her six-year-old daughter Peyton had been wanting to skate for months but was terrified because she thought it was ‘ only for boys’.

Thomas, 29, said she convinced Peyton to go to a skate park after explaining there was ‘no such thing as “girl things” and “boy things”‘, but when the pair arrived the place was full of teenage boys. – Daily Mail

If you don’t remember or haven’t read it please follow the link – it’s a wonderful story that shows that skateboarding isn’t for boys or girls and that “real” skaters want to share skateboarding.

Why am I blogging about this in February – go Canada Peyton is a Canadian skater girl.  Below a shot from Jeaneanthomas IG.

Thanks Jeanean for encouraging your daughter and teaching her that it’s ok to ask for help and let others help you – we all grow when we help each other!

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