Plymouth Michigan Skate Park


I live in San Diego County so I’m within driving distance of several public skate parks and that’s where I usually skate. I’m not saying don’t skate on your street or at private facilities,  I’m saying it’s nice to have a public park.

I would like anyone who’s reading this to check out Skate Plymouth Michigan. All I know about Michigan is it’s a mitten in the mid-west. However, thanks to skateboarding I have friends in Plymouth Michigan. One of those friends is leading the charge to build this park and his key inspiration is his 5 year old shredder daughter.

I believe all skate parks should be co-ed and have challenges for all skill levels. The world is a better place when there is no discrimination on or off the board.

And no snaking – snaking is never fashionable at any park even if it’s packed or you’re getting ready for a competition. No snaking ever – keep it fashionable. And let’s get this public Plymouth Michigan park built!