Tag Archives: self-confidence

Confidence over Fear

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Nachiibarrera tagged me in this picture with the caption

Un día leí que “ganas fuerza, coraje y CONFIANZA por cada experiencia que dejas de mirar al miedo a la cara, debes hacer lo que te crees incapaz de hacer” … La vida es un constante reto de pruebas, de triunfos o fracasos producto de las decisiones que tomamos, pero esas decisiones no son porque si, esas desiciones radican en experiencias de un pasado. Hoy decido ir siempre con la verdad, es en cierta forma una manera de ser libre y agarrar Confianza, uno de los pilares fundamentales en en el diario vivir.

which translates to

One day I read that “you gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you stop to look fear in the face, you should do what you think unable to do”… Life is a constant challenge of tests, triumphs or failures product of the choices we make, but those decisions are not because if these decisions lie in past experiences. Today I decide to always go with the truth, it is somehow a way to be free and grab confidence, one of the pillars in the daily live.

Fear can be real and big – here’s hoping your confidence is bigger.  If you want something work for it – if it’s meant to be it’ll happen if it’s not a new better door will open.

thanks for sharing Nacha

Skateboarding Increases Self-Confidence

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Proud dad moment today! Little one decided all by herself that she’s ready to join the afterschool skate club!!

thanks for sharing dad – I know you have fun skateboarding & appreciate that you share it

My parents both engineers – they like data and facts – I’m an artist so I see and feel that skateboarding builds self-confidence.  Self-confidence is stylish on & off the board so share how your confidence is growing.

By the way her dad (aka skateyogi) shares skateboarding with lots of people.

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Above a picture from okbana in Phrao, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

You know I LOVE the pink outfit & shoes – stylish!

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