Catching Up with Ava & her Skatergirl Friends

I’ve had the pleasure to blog about Ava before.  One of the posts was a 2016 piece on FISE in Edmonton – Canada where she was the only girl who registered.  Cheered on by her 2 friends she went on to skateboard with the boys.

This year the girls were back!

click above for video

I love to see how much fun she has skateboarding and how she encourages other girls to skateboard. I’m happy to say she won 1st in Women’s this year.

I’m also thrilled at how she’s able to get the message out that

Girls Can Skate

Whether she’s at the local park

or on the slope

she inspires you to shred for fun!  Hope you check her and her sponsor SheShreds out because more girls skateboard and follow all their passions when they see girls having fun & supporting each other.

To find out more about FISE 2017 Edmonton click below: