Skateboarding Free Therapy (might work best with good leggings)

Lexi shares this video of New Year Skateboarding in the garage.

Do the leggings improve her skateboarding?  I think she could skate well in anything.  I also think anytime you’re owning your style & confident in yourself anything you do will be top notch.

Check Lexi out.  She’s in New England, so with all the snow she’ll probably be in the garage or at the indoor park.  I loved how she captioned this photo.

Thankful that skateboarding is free therapy and thankful for these girls!

I’m thankful she shared and hope she inspires you to share.  Free therapy, just another reason skateboarding is good for girls.  And being thankful is stylish on & off the board so always let someone know if you’re thankful for them.