The Sky is Not the Limit in Playa Zurriola

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This is saydegar in Playa Zurriola and she captured her photo – Don’t tell me the sky is the limit ….

I hate when people tell me what my limits are because I’m a girl or because I’m an amateur skateboarder or for whatever nonsense.  We are all unique and capable of much more than we’d ever imagine – so if someone is talking limits to you – know it’s them not you that’s limited.

As for Playa Zurriola – on the 9th day of December we’re in Spain.  Style after all is universal.

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One thought on “The Sky is Not the Limit in Playa Zurriola”

  1. Thanks for this wonderful post. It is an honor to be part of a world where we can say “I am here and I am capable of many things”

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