Practice Doesn’t Make Perfect


This picture was captured Practice doesn’t make perfect.  Practice reduces the imperfection. lizettemv

Ok I was sold on the picture making the blog when I saw the shorts with stars plus I love leggings under shorts – so the advice just made this even better.

Skateboarding has taught me a few important life lessons like

1     Try, try again

2     Try something different each time

3     Somedays it just doesn’t work

Some how it gets in our heads that we can practice and be perfect.  If we have any interest in grades we want A’s – if we play a game we want to win – etc.  We forget that practice itself should be fun – the time I spend skateboard practicing is fun – if I go on to skate a competition or not does not change the experience of the practice.

There have been practices where everything has gone wrong and I still had fun – maybe because I was with friends or whatever reason.  I can’t imagine having to practice with the pressure to nail down a trick because I need to have it ready.

There’s nothing wrong with setting goals, holding yourself accountable, and challenging yourself – there’s also nothing wrong with having fun and just being present in the moment.  Truth is you could land it a million times at practices to bale at a contest but you could also do the opposite so just have fun every time you skate.  Be happy with your skateboarding – there’s really no such thing as perfect skateboarding or perfect anything else.